burning oil destroying neighborhood

Archived Dreams from 2016
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burning oil destroying neighborhood

Post by allforHim »

ok and another one...

instead of forest fire over taking trees and homes it was smoking, boiling black oil. my husband, kids and I went to get my mom out of her house. she had news on. instead of forest fires sweeping thru like what happens in CA, it was slow moving, black sticky boiling/bubbling oil. it was awful.He and kids and I were getting mom just a suitcase of essentials to bring to our house. then it got super weird. my sibs were there commending my ex fiance for helping his mom too. they were saying what a great guy he was and was so shocked to hear what he was really like, what i went thru w him. (irl, he is an alcoholic, verbally abusive, but put on appearance to my sibs whom he grew up with that he was a proper, soft-spoken, gentleman). in my dream, it was my husband taking the stance to get mom out to safety while the family talked about him…not helping at all. i was sick to my stomach about it.

i also was being asked to put together this flying contraption for someone…i think it was my siblings telling me to do it because my ex said it was a good idea. it flew kite-like, but was a flimsy pop up container made of unsturdy material…almost thin felt like…stuff used for the bottom sides of sofas/chairs. you were supposed to be able to put a family of 4 in it and somehow fly this thing in the air to safety. but all the parts were not there. no engine or propellers. i thot to myself this was so useless. i put it together with what parts i had to show them its uselessness with great anxiety over timing…watching news and hearing how it was only half hour away from moms house. i could see on tv the helicopter shots overhead of everything either smoking burned up or the line of black gook slowly creeping towards the area. i was concerned about being blocked in and not able to escape in time bc no one was moving. my heart felt fast w anxiety.

i looked outside. it wasnt really where mom lived. it was more neighborhood like where we live. there was an elderly lady in a brick home next to mom. she was in her rocking chair completely unaware of the danger. she was super old. she didnt want to go. i couldnt convince her to get moved to safety. she had no family either. i ran back to moms house and suddenly it was night and it was for sure moms front yard. we had her in our truck w/ kids and we were looking down either end of her street to determine where the oil was to get out of the area. i remember thinking that we couldnt go south bc it was all burned and oily. we would be fighting the oil going east or west. and it was moivng fast now. it felt like we were being forced to go north toward lake erie. it felt like a trap bc even oil, enough of it, could burn on the lake too. but it could be our only safety too if we could find the right boat. end of dream.