What does this mean .

Archived Dreams from 2016
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What does this mean .

Post by Rose48 »

I seen this big human figure clothed in white , seems like his shoulder was as broad as 200 miles . I seen a big red heart in the center of his chest and when I seen the heart my body took on the form of an arrow , with my arms close to my sides and was traveling like a jet, and I went into his heart . I laterally went into the heart.. can someone tell me what this means . . Thanks in advance .
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Re: What does this mean .

Post by PastorJKG »

I believe it is a picture of the Lord's great love for you. His heart is smitten for His love of you. You are in his heart and you are His arrow. This is a wonderful place but it is also a place of great responsibility because He who loves so freely is wounded so easily because of the great openness of His heart. Those closest to us have the greatest potential to hurt us. It makes me think of a song I've heard, "Shot through the heart and your to blame, baby you give love a bad name". Let us endeavor to never be as that one who gives love a bad name and always make keeping Him happy.

Hope this helps
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Re: What does this mean .

Post by Rose48 »

Yes it did , thank you so much .
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Re: What does this mean .

Post by Starfire »

Makes me think that the Lord's heart is the bull's eye you are seeking.
You are "on target" in your search and His mighty love is pulling you closer.
I admire your ability to be so focused. (Which I think your dream may suggest..that you
are seeking the Lord with all that you are and He is responding).