Archived Dreams from 2017
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Post by eagleswings »

I had a dream of multiple tornadoes.
I'm not sure where I was, except that I was outside looking at the sky.
I saw a tornado starting to form. This tornado then split into 4 tornadoes but still having a common core.
Then another tornado came, followed by another and then two more. There were a total of 8 tornadoes.
I remember standing there watching, but I wasn't afraid. I didn't try to run for cover or anything.
I just stood and watched.
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Starfire »

Sounds to me like all the chaos in America.
Every day we are being subjected to mass hysteria, rioting, continuous baseless accusations, and then the threats of Weather/Wars-EMP-Nukes/Disease/Food Shortages/Financial Collapse... you name it. It's enough to make your head spin (like a tornado). You don't even know what to look at or what's about to hit next. Good is evil & evil is good- it's here.
Perhaps the Lord is allowing His wrath to fall as a final call to come back to Him.
And perhaps you are calmly observant because you know you are in the shelter of His wings and merely need to wait out the storms.
He IS in control. (I need to remind myself of this very often.) All will come to light in His timing
and HIS truth will reign.
You might find this short video interesting:
Entitled: Prophecy for USA. Bakker and Wilkerson, 1976. Wow!
David Wilkerson's prophecies from 30-40 yrs ago are amazingly accurate: