Searching for Mary and Joseph

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Searching for Mary and Joseph

Post by Grace »

I haven't been here for a very long time. I had a very interesting dream.

I was in modern-day Israel (never been there in real life). My children and I were in an apartment building knocking on doors looking for Mary and Joseph. We weren't having any luck so we started asking if there were any babies in the building. I was invited into one apartment where there was a toddler. The family was very hospitable and offered us snacks etc. But there was no sign of Jesus. At some point, some authorities found out that we were searching for Mary and Joseph and I had the sense that we were being threatened. So we left the building. I was driving a car and entered a parking lot. But I was confused and at one point scraped against a barrier of some kind. I don't know if it caused any damage. But I wanted to leave the parking lot, but apparently drove the wrong way and went to an exit that was for 2 wheeled vehicles only. But the guards seemed to be understanding and opened up a way. I felt bad that I didn't inform them of my little accident. Later, I parked somewhere else and the kids and I had some sandwiches. Someone we knew drove up and told us that we needed to get out of the country because we were in trouble. I asked them how they found us. I forget the term they used. It had made me giggle. Essentially they told me they weren't dumb and that it was easy to find us. That made me realize that authorities could find us too. They had tracking devices and security cameras everywhere. At that point, we were wondering what steps to take. I don't remember much more other then we were either going to drive out or fly out. There were decisions to make quickly.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6
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Re: Searching for Mary and Joseph

Post by lizzy »

Seems like you are searching for deeper things in God. And expect that the enemy will notice that.