Denver Colorado

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Denver Colorado

Post by lynadvs »


In this dream my entire family was packing up to move to Denver Colorado. My parents, siblings and their families, and my children and their families. I don't know what brought this move on but it seemed rather spur of the momoment. I remember thinking to myself " i didn't give my landlord a 30 day notice that I was moving".
At some point in the dream, while I was packing, my freind from highscool called me (at two different points in the dream) and asked me to teach her another language. I agreed to it even though I don't know other languages in real life.
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Re: Denver Colorado

Post by PastorJKG »

I believe it speaks of an available anointing of the spirit for the household salvation of your family. Denver is the mile high city. A metaphor for spiritual ascent. Going up in the things of God. It seems to imply a sense of urgency. No time to give proper notices. It seems to be tied to teaching this other language which I believe is speaking of the fulness of the Holy Spirit flowing through you.

Hope this helps