Missed plane, in heaven and man doing sign language

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Missed plane, in heaven and man doing sign language

Post by christine7 »

So I dreamt I was at the airport waiting for my flight. I got up and went to the washroom. When I came back to the same spot I was sitting in before everything was different. It was cloudy and white ish in colour. There was two old man in robes, which made me feel like I was now in heaven. Somehow I knew or heard that I missed my flight. It was like whispered to me and I looked at the other man who was directly in front of me but across the room and he signed to me(I think he said tomorrow) because that also came to my head when he made the sign. Both men, where dressed in white robes, had long wavy, curly white hair( and lots of it) and all around us was clouds, that’s why I think we where in heaven. And ideas? I’m baffled
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Re: Missed plane, in heaven and man doing sign language

Post by PastorJKG »

I believe the meaning is this. We are in waiting to depart as believers. We are also in process of progressive sanctification (washroom) There are two voices vying for our attention. The enemy wants us to be condemned and filled with fear and anxiety about our right standing with the Lord. (being told you missed your flight) This could point to a wrong understanding of grace (I think we all struggle to truly understand it) The man who signed "tomorrow" -Tomorrow is one day away, one day is as a thousand years with the Lord. It could be literally tomorrow or next week or next year or decade, only God knows but we are patiently waiting and trying to be faithful as we wait upon the Lord. I believe the Lord is trying to calm your anxiety about the future and trust that He is causing all things to work together for good for you.

Hope this helps
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Re: Missed plane, in heaven and man doing sign language

Post by christine7 »

Thank you, I have two sisters that are dying and I wasn’t 100 percent confident on what would happen for them after death. This does make me feel so much better. Christine