A pet talking owl

Archived Dreams from 2018
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A pet talking owl

Post by PastorJKG »

I dreamed I was in my childhood home. I had a pet owl. This owl could talk like a parrot. I was trying to teach it to say “good morning” I think. I let it get down and walk around but then it got out of my sight and I was afraid my cats would get it and kill it. I was searching frantically for the owl. I never saw the cats in the dream but as I went to my sisters room, the floor was covered with thousands of coat hangers. The metal ones. They were everywhere. So many I couldn't close the door as they twisted up and locked together like clothes hangers do. Then I realized the hangers were in the living room to. Then I saw flashes of bright colors. I remember seeing pastel Pink, White, and either Blue or Green. It was like the colors where light like the screen of a large TV.
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Re: A pet talking owl

Post by bjcollin »

Just some thoughts ... What are your feelings about deliverance ministries? Many pastors feel strongly one way or the other on them. I have found over the years that many times pastors and other ministry leaders can find deliverance useful to help clear out issues from their past BC days and to help remove long standing strongholds that have been hiding and lying dormant for years.

Parrots in dreams are repeaters... Have you ever heard of a mimic spirit or mimicking spirit? This spirit sometimes affects children so that they always mimic what they see, sometimes I have seen some people also call this a mocking spirit. The owls and cats usually represent spirits of witchcraft.

As you know many times dreams in our childhood home represents us and our spiritual upbringing when we were children.

To me the hangars are just there to clutter up the room and make it inaccessible for now.

Flashes of pastel colors to me sometimes represent muted or mixed colors and it is usually the enemy at work trying to break in, or I have also seen it flipped in that it could be God trying to get in as well but trying to be stopped by the enemy.

So in this dream could be a key to what you have been working on in your dealings with issues that you mentioned in my dream. Let me know PM if you need a good reference to a deliverance ministry that is very discrete in working with ministry leaders. I know of several in the Dallas area, but not sure for east coast.

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Re: A pet talking owl

Post by PastorJKG »

Thank you BJ for your response. I definitely believe any unhealed wound or unrepented sin is an open door for the enemy to access our minds and manipulate us. One part of the dream I forgot to mention was that the hangers where such a tangled mess, I couldn't close the door. Sometimes as healers we forget that we are broken vessels too. I guess by hanging around prophetic people you hope someone would pick up on those things because they are often the hardest for the person to see in their selves. Probably many times people may see something is out of kilter but fear offending you if they say it. I guess this is why we have to learn to say all that the Lord gives us. Samuel had a very hard word for Eli, because he was completely obedient, the Lord didn't let any of his words fall to the ground. 1 Cor. 14:3 edification is literally building a house, creating a place to dwell and prosper for the person being prophesied too. So to build a house where one is already present requires tearing down the old one. I don't really know of any such ministries here but I have some accountability people who hear the Lord. Thank you and hope you have a blessed day.