started from the river...

Archived Dreams from 2018
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started from the river...

Post by kingnme »

i was swimming in this river next to this guy who was in some kinna nostalgic looking mini antique car for a boat he is paddling along

...we are talking i looked over there were also other people swimming in the VAST and wide river

suddenly my eyes darted over and verry far away from me there was

this girl DROWNING she was wearing yellow sports swimsuit style get up ....she was also very young like...

well she was struggling the point of drowning ..i saw this from FAR!! sooo

i belted out


no one moved!


again ...

no one MOVED!!

yelled it AGAIN...

after 4 times someone moved to go get her pulled her to safety

scene changes

after that fiasco i was walking towards this house... as i was walking i was looking at the scenery ...i saw some trees

...lo and behold there are BATS in the trees :shock:

it saw me it looked like it had a walrus or hippo face of some sort.... reeely weird :roll:

WEN that bat saw me ...oh my goodness....instantly it FLEW from off the tree and its headed MY WAY!!!! :shock:

i took off ran into the house .....there it is!!!...coming straight into the house for me

and outtta nooowhere this TIGER...jumps and pounces RIGHT to the bat ... slaps it down... !!...and TORE that bat into pieces :o

there i am ON MY knees in the seat of the couch (women always find something to jump on top of :lol: )

im watching this whole thing go down..... ...

i saw the blood of the bat... i saw the guts... i saw the tiger tore it to pieces... did NOT have a chance..


herein lies the kicker

had no idea however that OTHERS witnessed the whole bat running in after me.... the whole tiger devouring the bat scene

when i looked happened these people they immediately formed a line ...i dunno im not sure ....but it sorta looked like a prayer line..?

the person who was "praying over them" i DID not see too clearly.... but they had DRIED OREGANO for the people.....??......

and the people got like 2 cups of dried oregano slappped straight into the face.....?

this was sooo weird

the prayer leader flung it in each persons face one by one... ... i witnessed that as well...

from what i gathered the gist of the oregano tactic was the people wanted protection

from any possibility of THEY TOO! will have bats coming at them....???

(dont get it...but anyhoo)

however i saw all of this and i felt emotionally driven to get in line as well ...kinna like you kno "cuz everybody's doin this" type thing

...but somehow i just sat there with spiritual confidence that all was well cuz the tiger DEVOURED the ugly thing!!

i woke up.................
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: started from the river...

Post by PastorJKG »

First portion of the dream seems to reveal a ministry that is antiquated and ineffective. The young girl in yellow represents someone drowning because they are being overlooked. She has a gift from God (yellow) to swim in the spirit (bathing suit) but she needs to be discipled and helped along.

Second part seems to say that there is something demonic at work, walruses and hippos both have huge teeth or tusks and huge mouths. Dangerous words and much potential for speaking harm and doing damage. Life and death are in the power of the tongue (our words) The tiger seems to be a powerful minister who knows how to dispatch this spirit and is bold in doing so. I am not sure if the tiger is someone you know, or someone God wants you to become. I noticed you emphasized being on top of things just as the tiger was on top of the bat creature.

The action of this type of ministry will draw attention to the minister. Whoever they are. The only thing I got from oregano is that it is a temporary herb, but once dried can be kept a long time and still be of great value. I was thinking it was often used with garlic which is supposed to repel vampires. The bat seemed like it could have been a blood sucker (life drainer) with huge teeth.

This dream is a complex metaphor. I have been looking at it and praying over it for a while.
Pray into it and seek confirmation
Hope this helps
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Re: started from the river...

Post by bjcollin »

Pastor JKG, I agree, I also saw that little girl in the dream as gifted in the church, unfortunately there are many who are gifted in this manner who are in our churches who are simply overlooked and drowning because we do not know how to disciple them. For the most part, in general, most churches do well at getting people saved and getting them to look deeper into their word and to pray, but seldom do they get much deeper than that in areas of discipleship and few work on gift development. I have seen many gifted people over the years overlooked and ignored, many simply because they did not fit the mold of the church as it was where they were at. Some of the more modern churches do have focuses on prophetic giftings and mentoring those with those giftings, but those types of churches are very few and far between overall in many places and much of that work is left to the parachurch ministries. I think the dreamer who is prophetically gifted sees this as well, but feels unable to help much. To me the dried oregano is an herb which has the water dried out of it, ie it is old anointing which had the Spirit at one time but now does not. People line up to get anointings or to get protection but they don't know from what. Interesting dream.
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Re: started from the river...

Post by kingnme »

for lack of better words both OF THESE interpretations ARE the "peanut butter & jelly sandwich" of an answer

yes! i have prophetic gifting .....

i cannot express .....BOTH interps! are spot on....!! REALYY!

I haven't been feeling the best lately concerning a WHOLE year of a lot of things

cuddnt figure out what to do....wanted to just go on an island...alone!

this dream which i know and believe.... came from THE FATHER

HE knew i was going to take it to you guys... and voila ! ...HE sent the understanding

BOTH!! interpretation gave me the ability to say ......yesss!!! EXACTLY!!!! .. THERE Is THE ISSUE!!

i had a hard time expressing what i felt was going on and i KNEW something was not the best it could be .....and it put me in a depression mode

but .............


guys! HE has been giving me more and more questions answered type dreams an Revealing TYPE dreams lately

so now there has been sum light shed ... THANKS TO BOTH YOU GUYS !! im feeling a little more free-er about somethings and this dream/interpretation is a puzzle piece
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: started from the river...

Post by kingnme »

HELLO still thinking on this dream thru all of this : with the interpretation of this dream you guys have NO idea what was confirmed ..just a myriad of things

wen i thought about how this interpretation was broken down ..... this scripture came to mind this morning

Ephesians 4:11-16 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

THE DROWNING GIRL 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

THE PEOPLE/SAINTS MUST RESPOND TO THE DISCERNING OF THE FIVE FOLD MINISTERING SERVANTS: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

TO PREVENT HER FROM DROWNING 14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

FIVE FOLD SERVANTS MUST STAY AFRESH IN THIS 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

THE DROWNING GIRL/SAINTS RESPONDING TO THE WORDS FROM JESUS THRU THE FIVE FOLD MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR HIS COMING...16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

I MUST LEARN TO BE BOLD LIKE A LION AND READY TO FIGHT LIKE A TIGER...Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

me as well Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9