White Owl

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White Owl

Post by Ivy »

I dreamt my husband and I were driving in our car. He pulled up next to a tree. There was a large, fake white owl in the tree. Somehow we knew that there was a white owl (a real one) attacking people in their cars. My husband started hitting the owl with a stick. It came loose and was flung into our car.

IRL: my husband and I are having health issues. My condition is so bad that I have been asking God to just take me. Is this dream from God, and is He telling us to fight this spirit? The color white can represent purity or pure evil. I don't know what an owl represents.
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Re: White Owl

Post by bjcollin »


Sorry I missed replying to this dream earlier this past week. Praying for you and your husband's healing from health issues today.

As far as symbology in your dream... Cars in general represent movement in your calling or in your walk with the Lord or moving forward in life in general. Birds in general are representative of spirits, and most often enemy spirits. Owls in nature are neither good nor bad, and the white owls are uniquely camouflaged for the cold northern snowy climates. Many times in symbols we give owls a bad rap always connecting them with the negative and witchcraft. Snowy owls on the positive can also represent wisdom from above. For the color white, on the positive meaning it can represent purity or Godly, while on the negative meaning it can represent a religious spirit.

In your dream, both you and your husband are in the car, so this dream is representative of both of your lives and moving forward together in life. Right now you are temporarily stopping or taking a pause. The real issue I see in the dream is the fake vs. the real for the owl. Even though the real owl enemy does exist out there somewhere, your husband seems to be taking pause and removing the fake owl out of the way in the dream. After he hits the fake owl with the stick it goes into your car. So I think what this represents in your dream is that you are not currently under a spiritual attack from the real owl, but it is your husband (real husband and God both) who is currently removing the fake out of the way for you to be able to continue forward. Do not despair in health issues, God loves you and cares for you.

Hope this helps you on the dream.

in Christ,
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Re: White Owl

Post by Ivy »

Thank you for your reply, Brian. Do you feel overall that my husband is fighting a battle that is not real? Or that we are to practice for the real battle by resisting the enemy?

Thank you so much for the prayers!
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Re: White Owl

Post by keilani »

Shalom Ivy! Standing in agreement with God's perfect will for you and your husband's lives.

No interp since I believe bj gave you lots of good insight. Just wanted to respond to your question in your last post regarding practicing for the battle by resisting the enemy. I will say that this was and is something Father has been training me and my family to do over the last ten years or so.

I wanted to share a dream and vision I had and I hope they will encourage you to not give up and keep hold of His Promises. In my dream, I was standing in the cleft of this rock with a couple of family members. One of them yelled at me to brace myself because a huge tidal wave was coming. I grabbed on and this wave came. I knew that it's purpose was to remove us out of that place. Three of four more waves came and while we were trying to hang on for dear life, I remember suddenly having this aerial view. I saw satan standing off in the distance on land and he watched as three women, whom I knew were witches, were doing this coordinated dance/movement as they cast spells. Suddenly, I was back in the cleft of the rock, trying to resist being washed out by the next tidal wave.

Right after that, I saw Jesus appear. He towered over the rocks and looked at me. In my head I thought, "Yes! Jesus is here! He will save us!" As SOON as I had that thought, He shook His head vehemently and said, "No, no, no, no, NO!"

Then I was lifted up and dropped into the middle of this room--much like a big room where you do exercise and follow a leader (ie. Zumba). I was standing in the front row and there was a screen in front of me and I saw the words Star Wars appear. Star Wars referred to the war between True Light (God's) and false light (satan, who btw can still show up with that light to deceive--I have seen him/it multiple times).

I understood that the tidal waves were the things of darkness coming against me and my family. Rather than cower, praying and hoping God would save us, He wanted me to take a very different position. He wanted me to FIGHT by standing in Truth, with His Promise being the thing I was fighting to not let go of through fear or unbelief.

What I have learned over the years as He required me to walk these things out: every situation we face, He has allowed and WILL use to train us how to overcome SO that we can enter into His Promises. He doesn't want us to take a position of fear and terror, just trying to make it. Instead, He wants us to learn His Voice and His Ways so that we can learn to trust Him. From that place of trusting Him completely, He will begin to teach us how to conquer every plot of the enemy and fulfill His Will on Earth.

The MAIN thing I had to learn was how to deal with fear. Fear will create situations in your mind and that fear also causes them to happen (Book of Job--what I feared most has come upon me). He had told me when I was going through my own physical issues that Pain was a counselor that Fear uses to bring someone into agreement with the thing feared.

Every time I have trusted Him and followed Him, He has proven Himself faithful! Think of these things you are walking through as being put through the refiner's fire. It is in His Fire that everything flesh and unlike Him is removed and what is left is a pure vessel that looks and sounds just like Him. God really is a Loving Father but because we are so overwhelmed with the situation, it's hard to hear and believe that. All I can say, sister, is you can trust Him. He has your life in His Hands and He wants to teach you to overcome! Rev 3:21 tells us that the fearful etc. cannot inherit The Kingdom. But those who go through the tests and overcome fear are the group of overcomers for for whom nothing will be impossible!

Finally, I want to encourage you with a vision I had. My youngest daughter had begun to have these growths/bumps appear on her hand when she was 4 and they were beginning to increase and move up her arm. For a year, I prayed in tongues and did all the stuff a mom could think to do. Natural cures, prayer, scripture, healing music etc. One day, I said in my heart, "Father, I won't use natural medicine or take her to a doctor to be prodded and poked. I choose to trust you and your word!"

Two days later, I had this great unsettled feeling. Praying in tongues and with my husband did nothing to change it. So after my husband went to work that day, I shut myself in the room and went to see My Father. As soon as I sat down, I saw myself ascending these stairs. Father sat on His Throne at the top and I heard from below and behind me, "You can go (referring to me) but you two cannot." When I looked back, I saw an angel addressing two black shadowy spirits: one was small and had sharp/poky things coming out of him and the other was big--he looked like a sasquatch.

Once I reached Father, I asked Him what that was about. He answered: They are fear and unbelief and their assignment is to keep you out of the Promise. We had a good talk and when I was done, I went about my day.

Two days later, I said good morning to my daughter and when I held her, every bump was gone and her skin was clear as if nothing had ever been there.

Persevere and never stop believing. When it gets hard, ask Him for more grace. I used to sit and listen to Him for hours because during those hard refining times, He would feed me (speak to me) for hours daily. My family and I are not the same people we were. It's a FREEING thing to not live bound by fear!!! Believing for His Very Best for you and your husband always! Merry Christmas :)
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Re: White Owl

Post by Ivy »

Thank you, Keilani. This has helped me tremendously. I am going to print your reply and read it daily. Thank you for sharing your past dreams and visions, which have shed some light on the spiritual battle. For a time I was standing on God's promises for my healing, but then the pain got so bad I gave up. I need to get back in the Word and spend time in God's Presence. This is indeed a battle of a lifetime. I have never been so fearful. I'm sure the enemy thinks he has won, but I am an overcomer by the Blood of the Lamb.
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Re: White Owl

Post by freedinHim »

keilani wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:28 am Shalom Ivy! Standing in agreement with God's perfect will for you and your husband's lives.

No interp since I believe bj gave you lots of good insight. Just wanted to respond to your question in your last post regarding practicing for the battle by resisting the enemy. I will say that this was and is something Father has been training me and my family to do over the last ten years or so.

I wanted to share a dream and vision I had and I hope they will encourage you to not give up and keep hold of His Promises. In my dream, I was standing in the cleft of this rock with a couple of family members. One of them yelled at me to brace myself because a huge tidal wave was coming. I grabbed on and this wave came. I knew that it's purpose was to remove us out of that place. Three of four more waves came and while we were trying to hang on for dear life, I remember suddenly having this aerial view. I saw satan standing off in the distance on land and he watched as three women, whom I knew were witches, were doing this coordinated dance/movement as they cast spells. Suddenly, I was back in the cleft of the rock, trying to resist being washed out by the next tidal wave.

Right after that, I saw Jesus appear. He towered over the rocks and looked at me. In my head I thought, "Yes! Jesus is here! He will save us!" As SOON as I had that thought, He shook His head vehemently and said, "No, no, no, no, NO!"

Then I was lifted up and dropped into the middle of this room--much like a big room where you do exercise and follow a leader (ie. Zumba). I was standing in the front row and there was a screen in front of me and I saw the words Star Wars appear. Star Wars referred to the war between True Light (God's) and false light (satan, who btw can still show up with that light to deceive--I have seen him/it multiple times).

I understood that the tidal waves were the things of darkness coming against me and my family. Rather than cower, praying and hoping God would save us, He wanted me to take a very different position. He wanted me to FIGHT by standing in Truth, with His Promise being the thing I was fighting to not let go of through fear or unbelief.

What I have learned over the years as He required me to walk these things out: every situation we face, He has allowed and WILL use to train us how to overcome SO that we can enter into His Promises. He doesn't want us to take a position of fear and terror, just trying to make it. Instead, He wants us to learn His Voice and His Ways so that we can learn to trust Him. From that place of trusting Him completely, He will begin to teach us how to conquer every plot of the enemy and fulfill His Will on Earth.

The MAIN thing I had to learn was how to deal with fear. Fear will create situations in your mind and that fear also causes them to happen (Book of Job--what I feared most has come upon me). He had told me when I was going through my own physical issues that Pain was a counselor that Fear uses to bring someone into agreement with the thing feared.

Every time I have trusted Him and followed Him, He has proven Himself faithful! Think of these things you are walking through as being put through the refiner's fire. It is in His Fire that everything flesh and unlike Him is removed and what is left is a pure vessel that looks and sounds just like Him. God really is a Loving Father but because we are so overwhelmed with the situations, it's hard to hear and believe that. All I can say, sister, is you can trust Him. He has your life in His Hands and He wants to teach you to overcome! Rev 3:21 tells us that the fearful etc. cannot inherit The Kingdom. But those who go through the tests and overcome fear are the group of overcomers for for whom nothing will be impossible!

Finally, I want to encourage you with a vision I had. My youngest daughter had begun to have these growths/bumps appear on hear hand when she was 4 and they were beginning to increase and move up her arm. For a year, I prayed in tongues and did all the stuff a mom could think to do. Natural cures, prayer, scripture, healing music etc. One day, I said in my heart, "Father, I won't use natural medicine or take her to a doctor to be prodded and poked. I choose to trust you and your word!"

Two days later, I had this great unsettled feeling. Praying in tongues and with my husband did nothing to change it. So after my husband went to work that day, I shut myself in the room and went to see My Father. As soon as I sat down, I saw myself ascending these stairs. Father sat on His Throne at the top and I heard from below and behind me, "You can go (referring to me) but you two cannot." When I looked back, I saw an angel addressing two black shadowy spirits: one was small and had sharp/poky things coming out of him and the other was big--he looked like a sasquatch.

Once I reached Father, I asked Him what that was about. He answered: They are fear and unbelief and their assignment is to keep you out of the Promise. We had a good talk and when I was done, I went about my day.

Two days later, I said good morning to my daughter and when I held her, every bump was gone and her skin was clear as if nothing had ever been there.

Persevere and never stop believing. When it gets hard, ask Him for more grace. I used to sit and listen to Him for hours because during those hard refining times, He would feed me (speak to me) for hours daily. My family and I are not the same people we were. It's a FREEING thing to not live bound by fear!!! Believing for His Very Best for you and your husband always! Merry Christmas :)
Would you kindly post this to everyone, may be as a happy New Year message. I have a feeling many of us need this and being 'buried' here may not do that job. Not many people read the 2nd or the 3rd reply to a dream. Thanks.
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Re: White Owl

Post by keilani »

You are more than welcome Ivy!! I remember the fear and worry I felt esp since this is not what we are normally taught to expect. He literally had to overhaul my entire belief/expectation system over the years. You can trust Him!! Spend time every morning asking for His Thoughts, listening and then taking them. When you do this, He is sowing His New Thoughts/Seed into you while simultaneously uprooting every other wrong natural thought/seed that would keep His Promises from bearing fruit. Praying for grace and understanding. Happy New Year!
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Re: White Owl

Post by keilani »

Yes I can do that freedinHim. I hope you have been well!
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
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