QUESTION :why does this number just keeps poppin up

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QUESTION :why does this number just keeps poppin up

Post by kingnme »

...hi all...

like.... i have been noticing the number 53 on the clock ....again ...and again...FOR WEEKS to a month

like it doesnt even matter the hour eye keeps landing on hour: 53 minutes

its almost as though when your sitting amongst people and your eye keeps catching (although its not any reason so to speak)

the eye of another person just keeps happening ... until BOTH of you notice it happening TOO often

until you both get peeved ...or you both just bust out laffin

anyways ...anyone have a clue on the thought of this ...THANKS!!!
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: QUESTION :why does this number just keeps poppin up

Post by bjcollin »

Interesting on seeing the number 53. On a different variant of that number, my wife kept hearing 535 every time she passed by a certain building near our house. The building is a failed ER building, that we were looking at for a church building if the builder would be willing to rent it to us (for $535/mo) so that we could occupy it and keep it safe until they planned to actually build in it. I looked at EVERY verse in the Bible that was 5:35 or 53:5, and we ran across Isaiah 53:5 which says "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed." I have always suspected the number 53 has to do with healing. So, I would start with looking at every X:53 verse in the Bible or every chapter 53 in the Bible (like Isaiah 53 or Psalm 53 for example) to see what jumps out at you and what the Lord says to you for the number 53. God Bless you.

in Christ,
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Re: QUESTION :why does this number just keeps poppin up

Post by kingnme »

HI BJ !! :D

that sounds SOOO right ...i have been going thru THE SAME pattern of a trial ......since 2009 :cry: the wall.... that falls behind the wall ...that falls behind the wall ....year after year

it has been LOTS of tears ..secret tears ...out the open tears ....

and it all surrounded this ONE issue : OSTRACISM and all THE fixins
(such as being lied on ....talked about....... MISconstrued)

the spirit of "rejection" has been having a FIELD DAY i have been rejected and hated to the point where family members of whom i dont see everyday

or so much as call them on the phone......... their eyes wud glaze over as im coming

family members.....spousal issues .....

it got soooo bad i asked THE LORD ... "am i prideful??" "FATHER are you dealing with a spirit of PRIDE IN ME that i cannot detect ???"

pride is like the gas stove ...its soo odorless until they HAD TO PUT a chemical in it ...JUSST SO you can tell that the gas is ON

thats like pride to me takes THE HOLY SPIRIT to be that revealer of something youre not aware of .....

because when someone has an issue with you and you HAVE NOT DONE ABSOLUTLEY ANYTHING to them .....

and you come across another person who exemplifies the SAME disposition of the last person ....

one cant help but wonder is there a "kick me sign" on my back or something?????

i am in the five fold ministry of THE PROPHETIC (hmm? :roll: and i wonder why ??..)

well THE LORD has been with me thru it all...but it sure hurts

so as of yesterday ......just consider my belly .................FULL !! the max!

and i heard THE WORD " Rehab." in my right ear ....

however before i heard that word .... for weeks and weeks i KEPT SEEING' 53' every where!!!

thanks and i will check this out .........
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9