Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

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Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by jd2011 »

Hello All:

Had this dream recently and would appreciate any insight or interpretation.

I dreamed I was working as a bond agent and I walked into a building and a woman was working behind a desk and she gave me my first case and handed me the papers to get started.

She also gave me an assigned parking space in the garage and when I went to locate my space, it was parking space number 777 with two other spaces next to my space.

End of dteam.

Appreciate your help, God bless.

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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by jd2011 »

Hello Everybody:

Can someone please look at this dream and give your thoughts or interpretation should Lord give it.

God bless and thank you.

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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by bjcollin »

When you say bond agent, do you mean like a secret agent? That is the way I took it when I read your dream. Most of the “secret agent” type dreams that I have usually denote an element of spiritual warfare against the enemy that is going on. Triple sevens is God’s number, as the number seven denotes completion or perfection. The three parking spaces together to me would be giving a wide berth, or could mean lots of room for growth. Hope this helps some on the dream. Sounds like a great dream!

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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by jd2011 »

Hello bjcollin:

Thanks for your response to my dream.

For clarification, I was a bond agent not a secret agent, a person who bails people out of jail, the woman behind the desk gave me my first case.

Not sure if this changes the meaning, if so, I'm would like to know.

God bless and thank you.

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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by gloryhis »

Praise Jesus!

Those incarcerated are the ones who need to be set free. They are in jail. bondage, prison etc. You as an agent, working on behalf of this company, which I believe is The Kingdom of God, you are given your assignment to go and set souls free. A few thoughts on it was your first case. Perhaps it's in a new arena, or someone you have been praying about for years, God's ways are not our ways, so first case could be one of the first persons you prayed for, keeping in mind, God knows those who are his. Either way looks as though you have been hired !!

The company will be a surety for them, guaranty, or bond confirmed by the three sevens assigned parking space. 777 the finished work of Calvary.
Isaiah 28:16
“Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.”

You were assigned this specific space for a reason, I believe to say... As long as you PARK there, stay in your space your labor will be blessed, bear fruit.
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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by bjcollin »

Good clarification a "bond" agent like a bail bondsman to me would be more like a deliverance minister i.e. setting the captives free (ref: Luke 4:18-19). Although, there is an aspect of spiritual warfare in both positions so they are not that dis-similar. I like GloryHis post as it goes with this.

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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by gloryhis »

Yes Brian, deliverance!!setting the captives free that's good!
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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by jd2011 »

Gloryhis and bjcollin:

Thank for clarification, I really do appreciate it, glory to God in the highest!

I believe between the both of you, I have a clearer understanding of the dream, but, how it comes into fruition, is unbeknownst to me. I'll continue to seek the Lord.

John 8:36, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

God bless you!

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Re: Working as a Bond Agent & Assigned Parking Space

Post by bella »

Haha I'm glad you clarified Brian, because I thought of Bond. James Bond. :-)