Receiving $700 From A Stranger

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Receiving $700 From A Stranger

Post by Missyjojo88 »

Hello, I recently had a dream where I was outside with a stranger, and I was looking at this neighborhood with some houses. Outside of these houses were bags of trash that was piling up and making the neighborhood look cluttered. As I look at the man who was with me, he said something about his computer giving errors therefore, he is giving me $700. I told him it was okay, and I didn't want the money, but he repeated again that his computer was giving him error and he insisted that I take the money. He gave me $700 along with a handful of change. The money was rolled up, so I did not see the individual dollars, but I knew it was $700. But one of the bills was tape together, while the rest were good. I went home and happily told my mom I would be giving her a few hundred to put towards my grandma's upcoming 100th birthday party (In real life my grandma is about to have a party for her 100th birthday). My sister was also there, and I did plan to give her some money also. The dream ends. I need help with interpreting this dream. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Receiving $700 From A Stranger

Post by JayD »

There is a term in regards to computer programming that goes, "garbage in, garbage out", which basically means that the information you are given is only as good as the information you put in.

It may be that this neighborhood has too much trash still within their fellowship to shine and be of benefit.

It reminds me of fellowships I've been in where they have some garbage left over in their lives due to what they have experienced in other places. These groups can have a nice vision that appears to be of the Lord, but it can be obscured by the trash still hanging around.

The money may speak of unmerited favor. It kinda reminds me of Jews and Gentiles story in regards to God choosing by unmerited favor, but the jews fall from grace due to not receiving it. We are assured that this is only temporary condition and God uses it to bring unmerited favor to the Gentiles.

How the riches are available to the Gentiles now, but how much more riches when the Jews are grafted back in.

Just some things that may help.

Romans 11
11 Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!
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Re: Receiving $700 From A Stranger

Post by JayD »

Looked up the term as wanted to ensure i got it right, afterall, i did drop my computer programming class as wasn't very good at it.

This is the definition that came up:
In computer science, garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) is the concept that flawed, biased or poor quality ("garbage") information or input produces a result or output of similar ("garbage") quality.