Black and White Snake Encounter

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Black and White Snake Encounter

Post by bjcollin »

I had a strange dream encounter a couple of nights ago with a black and white striped snake.

The snake kinda looked like the Eastern Kingsnake at this website:

In this dream, I was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor inside of a house which seemed like my house. I was just waking up in the dream when this narrow long 3-4' black and white stripped snake jumped from some piece of furniture toward me. I instinctively curled up to protect myself from the snake attacking my front, and it bit into my back left shoulder blade. I was wrestling inside the sleeping bag with this snake, and I pulled it off of myself and threw it out of the sleeping bag. I got up and I found a big ziplock bag and I ended up catching the snake in the bag. I was angry at the snake, so I started shaking the bag violently. The snake tried to escape out of the bag and it ended up squeezing it's head up through a crack in the ziplock and it got one last bite on my right hand in the thumb area. I detached the snake from my thumb and pushed it back fully into the ziplock bag. i somehow knew that the snake was not a poisonous one. I then woke up from the dream. When I woke up from the dream, I had a pain on my back left shoulder blade where the snake bit me in the dream, and I also had a pain on my right thumb.

I have been thinking and praying on this dream the last few days. I am still not sure what it is all about or what type of spiritual attack the snake could represent. Any ideas?

in Christ,
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Re: Black and White Snake Encounter

Post by bella »

Just going by the symbols. You’re trying to rest and instead you end up wrestling. You’re shouldering a burden and opposed to something (thumb). But it’s ultimately not venomous (dangerous).

I heard the word fundamentalist.

My guess would be someone with black and white views.
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Re: Black and White Snake Encounter

Post by PastorJKG »

I've always felt these types of dreams were simply demonic attacks sent to disturb our sleep and instill fear. I never really tried to give them interps but maybe they contain something of value. I have often thought they might help discern the source of the attack as they seem to be triggered by contact or encounter with someone controlled by the attacking spirit. My 2 cents, for your prayerful consideration Brother.
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Re: Black and White Snake Encounter

Post by bjcollin »

You guys are awesome! Thank you for the replies.

Bella, thank you for the reply and the IM the other day. There are a couple of people that come to mind that I have been dealing with who are very much like that, but I have understood them for years and where they are coming from so I simply deal with it best I can and mostly just let them be. You're right, it is not my problem to shoulder or bear and I am at times ideologically opposed to them. I think in my own life I am starting to better recognize the times when I am being black/white and times when I am walking in shades of grey. I am still learning how to be one that fully walks in the Spirit (ref Galatians 5) instead of a set of rules. Even my own 92 year old father brought it up to me last night in a phone call asking why I deal with these people. For right or wrong, I do it out of love and a desire to help them and for the lives of the people around them.

Pastor JKG, there actually is a very subtle difference in those types of dreams that I have learned over the years. At first, yes the enemy often does try to scare us and will show us every manner of vile thing to try to get us to lose sleep and get us to walk in a spirit of fear or anxiety. However, once we submit ourselves to God and we stop walking in fear, and we stand against the enemy and resist, he will flee from us. (ref James 4:7) Other than quickly ducking and not wanting the snake to bit me, I did not feel that type of fear coming from this dream. It was more of a natural reactionary self protection type of fear instead of the fear for no reason type of fear if that makes any sense. Many times we can see what the enemy is up to or what type of attack is coming from these dreams... no matter how much I dislike snakes. hahaha.
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Re: Black and White Snake Encounter

Post by bella »

Thanks for explaining what’s happening. I appreciate your feedback. It can be difficult when you commit to helping others and being in community. Peopling can be hard work at times. But you keep on keeping on. You are such a decent person and stay with folk through life better than many seem to do I think.
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Re: Black and White Snake Encounter

Post by JayD »

Just some thoughts on the topic Brian. Not an interp as you appear to have that worked out already.

I find the gospel message is back and white, light and darkness, etc. We can discern what something is rooted in by its fruit. We are either partaking of the tree of life, or the knowledge of good and evil. There is no obscurity or grey area, it's as different as black and white.

All other things are branches that need to be found in the tree of life. They are neither good or evil, black or white. They take on the life from the tree they are rooted in and bear its fruit.

Unfortunately, we can take on our specialty,, or passions, secondary missions, etc, and advocate them over other branches, or make them black and white, but it's just a branch and God can use all branches for his good purposes.

Things I suspect you know already. Just sharing in case may help.