Back Door Opened Inwards, Then Outwards

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Back Door Opened Inwards, Then Outwards

Post by Chrisy489 »

I had a dream that overall I understand; however, there is one aspect that I just don't fully understand and here it is:

I first saw the backdoor that was opened INWARDS. Then I saw the same backdoor opened OUTWARDS.

Does anyone have an idea as to what is the meaning of showing the same door first opened INWARDS and then OUTWARDS?

Thank you very much for your assistance,
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Re: Back Door Opened Inwards, Then Outwards

Post by PastorJKG »

The door swings both ways. A colloquial term. For good and bad perhaps. Or maybe it speaks of a fair opportunity for either person involved. If that fits the rest of the dream. For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Back Door Opened Inwards, Then Outwards

Post by bjcollin »

Also another thought I had is that often times, if the door opens inwards it is speaking toward something you are letting in, and if the door opens outward it is speaking toward something you are getting rid of.
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Re: Back Door Opened Inwards, Then Outwards

Post by Chrisy489 »

Pastor JKG and BJ Collin,

Thank you very much for your response! You both have given me much food for thought. *Thinking*

Thanks a million!
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Re: Back Door Opened Inwards, Then Outwards

Post by keilani »

Just to add to the rich offerings, because I saw this once years ago and it was during a season that my husband had to be out of town often for work.

I would tell the kids, "Let's camp out in the living room and watch tv all night while Dad is gone!" Of course they were happy and Holy Spirit allowed this to go on for a few days. But on the fourth day, He addressed the true motive in my heart. While we were watching tv I had this quick vision of the door swinging open outwards, which is opposite of real life. I understood that my motive for sleeping outside (making sure no one broke in) was the very thing that would allow someone the right to do so. I also understood that I couldn't say I trust His Word and then have fear in my heart because what I feared would come up on me if I didn't address the wrong thoughts in my heart. At that moment, I began the journey of learning that it was the thoughts of our heart, not what we say, that gives either God or Satan the ability to move in our lives/do things to us.

Just something extra for you to ponder. May He give you insight.
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Re: Back Door Opened Inwards, Then Outwards

Post by bjcollin »

Correct, what part of "fear not" and "be anxious for nothing" do we not understand? If we dwell on something in fear, it gives the enemy power to attack us in that area because we are not walking in faith.