Rebuilding My Fathers House

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by bjcollin »

I had a dream last night that I can't shake. This dream takes place in my parents house, the house I grew up in, where they still live at in their 90s. In this dream, I was inside the house, and I was remodeling it and trying to rebuild it. It seemed that it had some windows that were boarded up, and there were old light fixtures that did not work. I have had this same scenario in past dreams in this house over the years, but in this one it is the first time I have been trying to fix something in it. In past dreams over the years I would just turn the light switches on/off and play with trying to get the lights to come on with varying states of success or failure. This dream ended with me getting a package of light bulbs and starting to climb up a small step ladder to change the light bulbs to attempt to get a ceiling fan light fixture to start working again as it was dark inside the house. I woke up thinking why am I rebuilding my father's house? ... 8031_zpid/

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Re: Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by bella »

Hi Brian,

Was it obvious which rooms needed the lights fixed or turned back on?
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Re: Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you for the reply and messenger texts yesterday, sorry I was in the middle of Easter fellowship at the time and I could not reply more. My parents house (the house I grew up in) is extremely small, only 5 rooms, living room on the front left, kitchen back left, my parents bedroom front right, my old bedroom on the back right, and hallway/bathroom in the middle. In this dream it was the living room ceiling fan light, IRL no ceiling fans in their house due to lack of ceiling height. In past dreams it was the lights in my old bedroom or in the kitchen I was playing with the switches for.

Yes, the dream represents me and my spiritual life for sure. We just started attending a new church, and what I was praying about when I had the dream was for God to speak more clearly to me and to break through and for His gifts to be made more manifest in my life. In other words, I need more of the Holy Spirit and for Him to power the lights to come on so I can start walking more fully in His path for my life.

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Re: Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by PastorJKG »

Hello BJ. Could it be about the process you have been in rebuilding, repairing, reforming your Fathers house (the church) and replace the light (Illumination of the truth and Spirit)? Perhaps the Lord is telling you to trust Him more in it rather than trying to make it happen.
Psalm 127:1-2
A Song of degrees for Solomon.
Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. [2] It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by keilani »

Hey bj, a few thoughts to add to the wonderful offerings already shared.

Dad's house--generations/generational? (Maybe older thought patterns based on what I share below?)

Renovation--I recall Nasir Siddiki teaching on this word in the scripture "renew your mind." Since his dad-in-law is Greek, he would talk to him to get insight about the Gk language since the NT is written in Greek. The word renew there is renovate--an act requiring a complete gutting of all the old things in the house, a step necessary to renewing the mind (Rom 12:2).

Going along with that symbolism--and also the fact that we had issues with our lights blinking on and off randomly earlier this year. Sometimes we could change a light bulb and fix it; other times we had to change the fixture; but in the back of my mind, I always wondered if wiring was an issue somewhere since it's an older home. Anyway, wiring in a house makes me think of neurons in the brain--and every time we learn something new, we form neural connections and there is an energy flow that enables us to do that new thing we learned. Maybe this is about renewing the mind so that natural things (our daily life etc.) can work the way we would like it to?

God give you insight and understanding.
***More To Come***

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Re: Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by JayD »

Hi. I just wanted to add that I believe the Lord is going to provide you with a certain equipping that will help. It will be delivered unto you.

I'll add that the scripture regarding laboring in vain was the first thought I also had, and do believe it is relevant. I think it is fairly normal to try things out and see how the hardware is working, but we have to ultimately rely on him. And sometimes it isn't about what someone/we may be doing right or wrong. As Christians we can be prone to lean that way, but it may just be about his larger picture and timing. Hope that helps. Maybe, at a later time, you may want to try again and see what happens.
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Re: Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by Chrisy489 »

Your "father's" house is currently in a messed up / broken state and in desperate need of "serious repairs" - this is the house of God the Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Here is a certain prophetic "word" - the Lord is about to clean up HIS church in preparation for "the wedding" when Jesus Christ returns for His bride without spot, blemish or wrinkle. This is at our doorstep - we have entered the appointed time. He is clearly telling you that He has chosen you to be an active part in His "cleanup/repair" process; however, BEFORE repairs can be made - the FIRST step is to ensure that the "light" is on in His house. The Lord has given you an assignment.

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Re: Rebuilding My Fathers House

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you for the prophetic word and listening to the Lord. That is the second word about this area that I received this week. Last week it was a guest minister at a church we were visiting in Austin

Rusty Martin Galveston TX guest minister at Impact Church Austin TX video from Sunday night timestamp 1:20:47 to 1:22:00