John Travolta

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John Travolta

Post by connie »

Praise the Lord,

This is dream number two from last night. I have no point of referance for John Travolta :?: :lol:

I was leafing through a magazine and came across an article about John Travolta. There was a black and white photo of John, a side profile. He was dressed in a well fitted suit and leaning with bottom resting on an office desk. I scanned the article and I read something about him not always having been a ladies man. Then I read he was 9 feet 4 inches tall.

I was turning the page and thought whoa, and flipped back to the page to reread that section about his height. The photo pose of John had changed. His back was now facing me/ the viewer and his head was turned, smiling over his left shoulder. End

I found John played Michael the archangel in a movie.. not a very good portrayal of the Lord's hosts :roll:.

Any other thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


Post by talitha »


Just so happens I actually read something about Travolta today - that he was rejected as Jim Morrison by the producers of the movie The Doors because he was "too nice." :|
[end of Random Trivia Moment]

In your dream what stood out to me as I read this was the 9'4" - and the idea came to me to look up what happened with John Travolta in 1994. Could be a rabbit trail, but I'm not sure.....

Excerpt from bio of Travolta, bolding what stands out:
Then, in 1994, he made one of the most stunning comebacks in entertainment history by starring in Pulp Fiction, a lavishly-acclaimed crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, a longtime Travolta fan who wrote the role of Vincent Vega specifically with the actor in mind. A critical as well as commercial smash, Pulp Fiction introduced Travolta to a new generation of moviegoers, and suddenly he was again a major star, with a second Academy Award nomination to prove it.

In the wake of Pulp Fiction, the resurrected Travolta became one of the hardest-working actors in Hollywood......
hmm, that's all I got, if indeed it is anything.....


Post by Joy2dream »

I've had this dream on my mind off and on since I read it last night.
Some things I see came soon, however I don't have the full picture of it yet. So still praying. Here's what I do see and perhaps the Lord will reveal the rest to another.
I was leafing through a magazine and came across an article about John Travolta. There was a black and white photo of John, a side profile. He was dressed in a well fitted suit and leaning with bottom resting on an office desk. I scanned the article and I read something about him not always having been a ladies man. Then I read he was 9 feet 4 inches tall.

Ok, so why is the Lord showing him in B&W? Or leaning on a office desk? I wonder if he sees things in either black or white and the desk is a position is is leaning toward. It's public knowledge his religion is Scientology (sp?). The 9'4" to me points to him being a giant in the eyes of people.
I was turning the page and thought whoa, and flipped back to the page to reread that section about his height. The photo pose of John had changed. His back was now facing me/ the viewer and his head was turned, smiling over his left shoulder. End
Seeing you taking notice of the height of Travolta, doing a double take, that is Holy Spirit emphasing the height issue in the dream. The Lord is saying look this is a big part of what I want to say in this dream. So the 9'4" is very important here. I wonder if now you seeing the photo changed and him smiling with his back to you means he has changed positions?

Still praying on this one.
Praying for John Travolta today and I don't really like him either :oops: :cry: I see him and think Yuck!


Post by Joy2dream »

Another thought on the black and white photo, pray about it please.

I feel like the photo may be black and white because John is in darkness. Our Father God is the creator of light that causes colors to happen. The enemy cannot make the beautiful colors or creations that Jesus can.

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Post by connie »

Tal and Joy thank you for seeking the Lord on my behalf.

Tal the bolded portions of your research stand out to me and my spirit knows you've heard from the Lord. I'm still 'hovering' in prayer.

Joy, what you've put forth has stayed with me and I'm stll praying for full revelation and for the where and how of the application of the dream.

yes, the black and white stood out to me also and the height.. The second photo looked like he was walking away. His smile was pleasant & friendly in both photos.

My first thought was to pray for his salvation and I have done that..

:?: I've just now read Manasseh Warrior's dream& I'm wondering if there's a connection between our dreams. John Travolta was in Welcome Back Kotter. I remember the show. He was one of the 'Sweat Hogs', Vinnie something or other who was a 'ladies man'.. .

I just wanted to give the two of you some feedback. Thank you again!

Bless you!

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Post by Jen »

John Travolta is into scientology, he has made statements that he "owes scientology his life?
so it could it be that his height 9 ft 4 inches is speaking of the counterfit teachings of Ron Hubbard? meaning you are what you think you are.. but the fact he was in black and white and on his side.. both speak to me of not being where he should be..
in the big picture, with all of that said.. maybe it is about deception? Deception that looks good.. and sounds good.. but is in fact sinister.
and the Lord is calling you to war against it?
with so many today searching for God.. but don't know where to find Him and they see this.. and the success it has "brought" people like him.. anyways.. you can do the math I am sure.
I could be wrong, so pray about it.
Let me know though!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Hello freinds!'
Im looking as i write this for a old dream and found this. In reminded me of the the untimly and sad death of Jett,, Johns loved son this year.
Im still a novice at the dream thing but wondering if u seasoned interpetrs can see a connection between this old dream of Connies and what happned.
I think its good to see how some of thease older dreams may be playing out in real life....
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Post by ReBorn »

Talitha's Quote: (the word resurrected stands out to me- connection maybe??!!)

Then, in 1994, he made one of the most stunning comebacks in entertainment history by starring in Pulp Fiction, a lavishly-acclaimed crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, a longtime Travolta fan who wrote the role of Vincent Vega specifically with the actor in mind. A critical as well as commercial smash, Pulp Fiction introduced Travolta to a new generation of moviegoers, and suddenly he was again a major star, with a second Academy Award nomination to prove it.

In the wake of Pulp Fiction, the resurrected Travolta became one of the hardest-working actors in Hollywood.
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