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Post by isaiah61 »

Greetings everyone, I had this dream some time ago but i feel it may be for such a time as this....here goes....
We appear to be in an entrance way to a building and I get a strong impression that there is preparation for this building underway in the background somehow{carpentry labor?} I am able to see this woman who I now to be an overseer of alter ministry from our church. However, my husband and I are not involved with this ministry. I see my husband standing with his head bowed standing in front of this woman from the alter ministry. She is not at the same level as him she appears to be much higher than him. I begin to step forward and this person apears in front of me. He has a hood on and I try to see his face but it is hidden. Totally dark .. He is holding a huge sword in his hand. I can see his hands and they are clenching the sword. I try to go around him and he strikes me in the chest I feel it pierce through to my heart. It almost knocked me off of my feet but my feet kept their position. I woke up with this ache in my heart......
Does anyone have anything would be helpful.....

Post by kimibrew »

Hi I61,

What do you know in the natural about that woman? Could the Lord be giving you a 'heads-up' about an unclean thing...power maybe...that she is operating in?

It's possible that its not even about her in particular but about something the Lord is showing you about the way that unclean authority works.

Really just some thoughts, ok?

Lord, I ask that you would give I61 the understanding that she needs for this dream.

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Post by isaiah61 »

Hi Kimibrew,
I had this dream in Feb. 2007. I didn't understand why but I feel in my spirit that this is a control issue I just don't now what it has to do with my husband. Does he represent Christ here or is it the headship of the church. I don't really communicate with very many people in our church. So I really don't now. I do now that at the latter part of November 2007 I approached her to ask if we could get involved in the prayer ministry she said she would pray about it and then let me now. I never heard a reply. I took this as a no. I do now that she is very territorial of the ministry she oversees...I didn't now that then but from what I am understanding is she took everyone out of the prayer ministry when she came in and started with what she called her own people.
I think i am having such a hard time with this interpretation because I 've always thought of authority as sanctified.
Isaiah 61

Post by kimibrew »

HI I61,

Seems like it would be helpful to get some other thoughts on this, but I'll tell you how it strikes me.

I was seeing the lady as having a jezebel type control issue that has some serious power to harm others through the spiritual backing being the man with the hood. Are you familiar with any of this?

The way this works is that when we choose to use manipulation in any area, demonic things like to come join in that. Jesus says that He's given to us freely and we are to give freely out of that blessing, but sometimes people, for whatever reason, allow jealousy, control, manipulation,etc.

I agree with you in that authority 'should' be sanctified, but we are people who bring all sorts of junk to ministry. As believers we so desire to honor those in authority which can make it difficult to come to grips with ungodly behavior in our leadership.

It seems odd that anyone would be kept from participating in prayer ministry :cry: How does your husban feel towards all of this?

Post by kimibrew »

I forgot to add that Eph 5 and Gal 5 both address this type of behavior and what the Lord desires.
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Post by isaiah61 »

Hello Kimi,

Thank you for your help :lol: you are a blessing..I am familiar with this spirit and I have read up quite a bit on it here the latter part of last year so this bears witnes with what I feelthe Holy Spirit has given me. I am learning how when the Lord gives you something, sometimes you recieve the understanding in pieces.
At least that is how He is taking me through this phase of my training.

All said, I am not understanding the part about the spiritual backing being the man with the hood. Are you referring to the ahab spirit. This is the part that really has had me in that I would lay this down and then it would be stirred up again to get the full understanding so I would pray and read scripture looking sometimes for something related to this type of symbolism.

As for my husband honestly up until now we really haven't discussed the issue because we feel if you make yourself available for an area of ministry and its not received then maybe it was a door closed for a reason. I did however think it strange that we weren't allowed to minister. Even more so that there was never even a reply from our pastor who she said would be getting back with us. We never recieved a response so we didn't think to question authority.

Honestly, we have just excepted that this is an area that we can't serve in.

Could be that the enemy sees my husband and I as a threat in some way. My husband and I do move in the gifts. But this is not for us it is for others and I can't see how that would be a threat when the Lord's Word says these are blessings.

If you have anything else to add to this insight then please share. Or if you feel I may be off on something then please let me now. Any additional insight is greatly appreciated.
Kimi, thanks again you don't now how much of a blessing you are...wow

God Bless You :D

Post by kimibrew »

Hi I61,

The hooded man might be an ahab type spirit...I hadn't thought of that. Or, it could just be the Lord showing you the demonic power that is backing this woman's control. Your husband might be symbolic of men...of how it looks when a man submits to this evil power.

Thanks for sharing your dream...I think it actually a very good picture of how this unclean thing works.

Maybe Jesus kept you, and more specifically, your husband safe by not allowing you to minister under her leadership. It seems to me that when someone is operating in this stuff, they want to gather people with strong anointings because they are jealous of them so they try to gather them and get them under their own control...or...if they can't do that, then they refuse to honor those poeple. They honor (or flatter) only to gain favor so you will be drawn to submit.

I think this dynamic is interesting...we are to honor one another and love one another, but Jesus was careful of whom He entrusted Himself (Jn 2:24).

Sounds like you are a good listener of the Lord...He's so good at keeping us safe :D

Bless you!

Please feel free to continue writing your thoughts...just maybe someone with more insight will join us and give you a hand :)
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Post by isaiah61 »

Hi Kimi,

Thank you for your help. I still am not totally understanding you when you write"the demonic power that is backing this womans control. Can you expound on this.. it may help me as far as prayer.

I can relate more to the thought that she doesn't see us as people she can control or maniputlate for the fact that I think when you flow in the area of revelatory giftings the enemy is probably not going to want you to come into an area where you may shed some light through the Holy Spirit on things that are unclean. I now that she is aware that we do flow in the area of the prophetic this almost always brings with it the gift of discerning of spriits. I feel like its not really anything you do or say it is the anointing that is upon you that is a threat to the enemy.

Well that is all I am getting if you can expound some or if someone else has anything else to add please feel free to share your insight.

Blessings, I61

Post by kimibrew »

Hi I61,

I do find that I'm often vague when writing so I'll try to be a little more descriptive. One reason I'm being vague is that I'm not sure what the Lord is saying so I'm trying to not sound absolute.

I was trying to express that the man with the hood might be a demon...not a man at all...that is, a guardian of sorts for this woman. In your dream it seems that the hooded man worked to protect or keep the victims from being rescued, which makes me think it probably is NOT a real person, but a demonic presence.

There is another thread on hear about the power of agreement (probably under discussion and ?). I think probably that when we come into agreement with a power source (regardless of heaven's or hell's) we release power through that agreement, meaning that who ever we are in agreement with, releases backing towards our agreement. So, if we behave in manipulative, jealous, territorial ways, then the enemy comes and backs our behaviour up with power. (Disclaimer here: I think we ALL do that goofy stuff from time to time and Jesus is so wonderful to cover over our behavior. I'm really addressing more the purposeful, sowing into type behavior)

Does that help at all? Sorry if I'm too wordy, but I can't think of any other way to express this. Remember it is just my thoughts, but I'm sure that Jesus will show you so much more.

Bless you!
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Post by isaiah61 »

Hi Kimi,

O.K. sounds right...I understand what you mean when you say not trying to sound absolute...But that also is another way of looking at it. And I will definetly keep this in prayer. I think that this type of spirit hinders the Body as a whole and effects the move of the Holy Spirit which is where we are right now.
People are leaving, a couple have stepped down from leadership roles but no one really nows what is wrong This is a church with a lot of promises from the Lord and I believe that we are at the transitioning of entering into some awesome things. However the enemy seems to really be warring.
my husband and I have been there for 5 years already and we have never seen the condition of the church as it is in now. So, I will check in the area of discussions for the subject you mentioned.
I thank you so much Kimi, you don't now how much of a blessing you have been with your insight. :D
God bless you, Kimi

Post by kimibrew »

You are totally welcome! :D
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Post by discerning »

Hello Isaiah61. Just want to add a tiny bit to kiimibrew's offering for your prayerful consideration..

I wonder if your husband represents [spiritual] authority here. It appears the woman has assumed a postition that is not rightfully hers. She is emboldened by the enemy who is cloaked in darkness. He is effectively 'hidden' from others but the Lord has revealed to you what is happening in the spiritual realm. This usurper/woman is attempting to cow the rightful Authority here which is evidenced by hubby's/Authority's bowed head.

You discern what is happening here and it pierces your heart....and yet you STAND! (There's that 'now' word again!) It took you by surprise perhaps but you did not lose your footing, priase the Lord.

Now, please prayerfully examine this next part as I'm not certain about it...Usually I would say one should not 'try to go around' the enemy but rather bring him down. However, something else you said caught my attention...

You are standing in an entranceway (a foyer? a place of waiting?) You are aware of some "preparation for this building underway in the background somehow{carpentry labor?}" This reference to carpentry makes me wonder if the Lord is not allowing this time of 'tearing down' (what is not of Him) in order to 'build UP' at the hands of The Master Carpenter, the only true Authority. Again, this preparation is hidden for now but it will be revealed in His perfect timing.

[I also find it interesting that you had this dream 9 months prior to seeking to join the prayer ministy which is under the leadership of this woman.]

I see warning, direction and encouragement in this dream. Others may fall during this difficult time but you will stand [in the gap]. When all is said and done, you may find that Papa has placed you in a prime position to help rebuild because you have found favor in His heart.

It's Resurrection Day

abundant blessings on you,


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by isaiah61 »

Hello Discerning,
I thank you for your interpetation. You bring this into a perspective that has for the most part been my understanding except you have a way of kind of bringing it all together, that's awesome God is so faithful; I am in agreement that this is regarding spiritual authority.

I don't now this person personally so I am trying to be careful regarding what I write.

Anyway, all said I just don't see how one person can have such an influence. I don't usderstand how the authority is not able to discern this. This is a very manipulating spirit.

Of course the enemy can use any one of us if we don't guard our hearts and remember that we are nothing without Him,

I have one question though what do you mean by taking the enemy down? Are you referring to addressing strongholds?

Thank you so much for your insight into this. You are a blessing..

Isaiah 61
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Post by piano »

I wanted to bump this dream post because the discussion/interpretations have been very interesting to me today.

It also has to do with the usurper term Im currently digesting.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by keilani »

Very interesting indeed piano and thought I'd add a bit to the great words shared here.

I saw the husband bowing under this controlling spirit operating through this woman as a picture of the role reversal that happened with Ahab and Jezebel. Kim Clement has taught on how demonic powers like the seats of authority because influencing the thoughts of individuals in authoritative positions will affect their decisions and in turn affect the nation or people governed by them. It is the most effective way to spread any agenda--starting from the head first--or the seat of "authority".

Also, reading this reminded me of an experience I had when I first got saved. I saw Marilyn Manson once as I was flipping through the channels and heard him cussing Christians. My first response was "who hurt him so much that he was that angry?" so I started praying for him, just a prayer for God to save him. About a week into this I had this very vivid dream: I walked into a house and went left into the living room. There I saw Marilyn Manson with his head hanging down almost like a limp rag doll. Behind him was this huge black shadowy form which I knew to be a demonic spirit that was I don't know maybe 10 feet tall or so. Everywhere that spirit went or any motion it did, Marilyn Manson did as well; it was almost like a Puppeteer.

Well, when it saw me, it came at me and shoved me so hard I fell backwards. I managed to get up and it came and shoved me back again...and then a third time so I took off running out of the house.

What I learned from that was how much power my little "save him" prayer as a baby Christian was! But I also knew, I didn't have enough understanding of the authority Christ gave me through His name and Blood. That led to a whole new seeking period on that topic.

Anyway, I don't know if that helps you any but I do pray the Lord will give you all the wisdom and knowledge you need!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.