Jawline and spine and symbolism?

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Jawline and spine and symbolism?

Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

I was praying and saw a human skull and was like ? What? But then I felt God showing me the jawline.... I felt He was asking me to ask Him to heal my jawline.

I was ? for a second but then I remembered I have a slight overbite and have since i was very little i guess... Noone notices and its not something i even think about, so i was a little surprised He was showing it to me.... (i have gotten compliments on my jawline before actually, or facial structure i should say).

Does the jaw/jawline have any spiritual significance? He speaks to me with body parts alot and i assume He does for others as well....

He also led me to pray for Him to straighten and strengthen my spine.... I know if someone is known as being "spineless", they are considered weak.... Is there any other significance though? I felt to pray for not just Him to strenghten my spine but again, to straighten it....

Also something with exhaling.... to breathe properly.... I guess that correlates to the HOly Spirit, eh?

I an intrigued by what just happened and so I wanted to share it....

Really intrigued that He wants to heal me of a slight overbite that never has bothered me.... I know He can do it of course, its just i never would have thought to ask Him to do it.... it was a "non-issue" I guess u could say (as opposed to say a really pronounced one that people could notice).

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Post by starlightministries »

I don't have your interpretation but wanted to share I have also had such questions about the jaw.
I have a underbite.

I have had a tmj problem due to stretching my jaw after going to the dentist and tearing the tissue. My jaw came out of joint! (the Lord did heal that using my own hands when it was said by man it'd be a lifelong condition)

I also suffered a jaw infection! So serious I was told it could of taken my life.

I saw there are a few scriptures in the word about the jaw or jawbone and I do plan to look those up and see if Lord gives me anything about it.

I wonder about the spine too. If it's hurt you can seriously be impaired even to the point of being paralized. If your spine hurts, your whole body hurts. It's what holds everything up!
So if different ones of the body are different things, for example...seers are in part the eyes.(I believe there is more to the seers then this as well)
What would a spine be? An apostle? I am not sure but my thoughts go along those lines.
And now...what would a jaw be??? Messenger? Prophet?
In the word the jawbone of an animal is used as a weapon. A prophetic word could very well be a weapon as well.
I feel you may also be looking into the face of things speaking about your own calling as well.
Are you a prophetic intercessor who is called to the apostolic by chance? :wink
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Post by starlightministries »

I just re-read your post again. The Lord wanting you to ask him to heal your jaw.

Testimony...long story but to make it short. One morning the Lord led me through different prophetic acts which led to me anointing my own painful jaw and asking the Lord to heal it. (jaw was out of joint and I had been praying for divine healing as couldn't afford other treatments offered, etc)
Well I felt that morning the Lord anointed me for healing. It was the first time I had laid hands on someone and they got healed. (Even if it was for myself.)
That morning...I was also shown what my gifts were...through dishes in the kitchen sink! (good thing I hadn't done the dishes the night before! LOL)
SO putting two and two together here...I truly believe the Lord has given you or wants to give you the gift of healing and wants to show you what your other gifts are!
Hope this bears witness to you.
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Post by naveah »

Powerful Weapon
Judges 15:15
And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.
Judges 15:14-16 (in Context) Judges 15 (Whole Chapter)
Judges 15:16
And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men.
Judges 15:15-17 (in Context) Judges 15 (Whole Chapter)
Judges 15:17
And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking, that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand, and called that place Ramathlehi.
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Thank u very much for the posts...! GOd bless you both.

Starlight, yes actually, what u said did bear witness....

He has been releasing my gifts in this season and what u said makes sense to me.....

I actually don't know what the apostolic is really :oops: What is meant by that i mean....

Prophetic intercessor, yes, could very well be! I shared with someone else about the jaw thing today and she told me SHE has an overbite that is severe enough to cause her pain... so I prayed for her healing as well but never thought maybe the Lord was showing me a jaw for myself AND for someone else.... very interesting!

The spine..... it surely does hold everything up..... yes....

Starlight, i would be interested to hear how He showed u what your gifts were in the kitchen and also how u knew u were anointed to lay hands on yourself... .like what happened, how did u know?

(Yes I am pretty certain He plans to use me for healing, absolutely....).

Thank you again to those who responded, this has really helped me!


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Post by starlightministries »

Wow. Well...I will share greater details.
I had been outside scooping snow one early morning. My ears began to both really hurt so I went inside. I reached for the ibuprofen and prayed over it saying, Lord...I don't want to take this but my ears hurt so please take all evil out of this medicine and put YOU in it!
As soon as I was done praying, the presence of the Lord was all over me. I knew then by his leading, to take olive oil, put it in this bowl, heat in microwave and using Q tips put in my ears. Pain was instantly gone! He then led me to anoint myself on my forehead, hands and feet, and then wash my hair using shampoo with some of the olive oil. He then had me put the oil on my jaw and apply heat to it, and said I was healed?
I knew in my spirit the Lord had done something special for me that morning. He anointed me for healing ministry!
When the Lord shows you/tells you things, you know like you know like you know.
My gifts in the kitchen sink. It's one of those things where you had to be there to understand it.
Actually when I look back, the Lord showed me what my gifts were over a period of time. Years! STILL unfolding the revelation of them for me.
The gifts "kicked in" for me directly after I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I dont' know what others testimonies are about this. Would be interesting to hear them!
But for me I had prophetic dreams that very night, visions the next day as well as knowing things about people and sensing evil spirits.
That time in my life began my following the leading of the Holy Spirit. (even if I didn't know what was going on!) Was outside of the church...it seemed as if it was just me and God!
One thing leads to another...bit by bit. Like walking up a ladder. Every day you come to expect great things to happen and the Lord just doesn't let you down!
I also prayed once...Lord show me what my gifts are and teach me how to use them. Within a few weeks I was being led to go to a deliverance conference and was being taught all about that. Next came prophesying.
Right now seems to be learning more about interpretation and more in the Word.
I love God's school!!!
Father, I pray you would show Manasseh's Warrior what her gifts are and teach her how to use them!
IN Jesus name I pray!
The apostolic, I may not be the best one to describe that to you. I've read some things but...I'm sure someone has a better description then what I would have.
Hope this helped you!
God bless! Love,
Here I am Lord...use me.

Post by kimibrew »

I was thinking of jaw as strength. I've read that women who have a pronounced...not the word I'm looking for...jaw bone often have a go getter personality...they have connected it to strength. :?: :?:
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Yes, that sounds right too..... well in any event, I continue to pray for my jaw and for a greater revelation of whatever all it is God is trying to show me.

ALso spine..... someone here mentioned Apostle. I just found an interesting article on Apostles here:
http://www.truthortradition.com/modules ... le&sid=146

I should maybe start a thread on that... on Apostles... I know there are those who don't believe there are to be apostles today. Myself, I never thought much about it... until the other day.... when the Lord kept showing me a spine.... and this article seems to suggest that Apostles lay a foundation.... hmmm.

I need to go.... this has been interesting though.
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Post by PurestPlace »

Just a question :)

Have you or anyone in your family had an issue with "anger"?

I know this may sound like a strange question but I've experienced something recently that I'm wishing to confirm as well.

Thank You So Much :)

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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »


Not a strange question! Since you ask, hmmm.... yes. My mother and brother both had terrible problems with anger, outbursts, violent tempers, abusing (me) etc. I have not thought much about those things lately. I myself tended to swallow my anger and turn it inwards... i never had a problem with violence, outbursts, psychotic stuff, etc but they most assuredly did.

May I ask why you are asking? What is the Lord showing you with regard to your self/situation? *truly curious to know*

Peace to you this day,

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Post by PurestPlace »

What I can tell you is what I recently witnessed this past weekend.

I just recently completed part of an inner healing and deliverance ministry training.
This was a hands on training time for others and myself.

It was my turn to minister to my ministry partner and her focus issue was "ANGER".
As The Holy Spirit ministered to her (my partner) and began delivering her from that spirit and the spirits that can operate under the stronghold of anger, she was healed in her back between her shoulder blades and also her jaw!

Could there be something to this in your situation?
Anger most likely could be a generational curse. Something that has come down through your family line and that door should be closed.

Anger, at times can be a demonic oppression or a result of being wounded by rejection or abandonment.
Could also be from taking on "false responsibility". In otherwords, allowing oneself to be responsible for something or someone that they should not neccesarily be responsible for.

There can be alot to this but, in this particular circumstance, not only was my ministry partner free from the stronghold of anger, but she was also physically healed as well. :)

I am not a graduate of this ministry at this time. I am still in training mode but I hope this may bring some light to you and I think it confirmed something to me.

Blessings To You!!!

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Post by PurestPlace »

As I pondered a little more, you mentioned that you felt like God wanted you to pray and ask Him to heal your jawline and also straighten your back.

I just sense that the Lord might be trying to lead you to some inner healing and deliverance at this time as well. I am seeing that this is something He is leading The Body of Christ to.

Pray about it. God is always faithful to confirm these things to us when we ask and listen :)
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way of everlasting.

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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Wow, Purest.... good stuff... thank u for sharing all this... I will definitely be in prayer about this!

I have been asking Him to please reveal to me any and everything I need to know in order to be totally healed (in all ways) and restored.... He is restoring me already but I know we have to take part in things many times too.... "do our part" etc. I am more than eager to learn and then listen to whatever He says about this.

Thank u again for sharing what you did and that is wonderful about your minitry partner!! I have indeed heard of that before, where being delivered from something also results in a physical healing.... it has happened to me before too.

GOd bless you greatly!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT unto your own understanding -- Proverbs 3:5