Sun and Nursery of Stars

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Sun and Nursery of Stars

Post by yeshuas_beloved »

The setting was like a campground. There were trees on either side of me. I was running down a path towards a beautiful radiating sun. It looked like a beautiful painting with orange and red and yellow flecks moving and a Van Gogh painting come to life. I ran as far as I could go to get close to the sun, to the very edge of some rocky cliffs. Other people were at the edge, too, near the sun.

I ran to and from several times. To the left of me, I could see the night sky. It was a beautiful purple color, and there were gorgeous young, blue stars emerging from astronomy photos of star nurseries. It was breathtaking.

To the right of the sun, the sky was a plain blue, cloudless, like a normal day. It was very odd the way everything was set up.

I sense the sun represented Christ. Maybe the stars have to do with the youth that are being called forth? Brilliant, fiery preachers of the Gospel?

Love to hear your thoughts.

Sandra <><