A fight...One in which I think I may currently be living

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A fight...One in which I think I may currently be living

Post by manicmusician »

On the night of this past October 15th, I had this dream...

I was in a public restroom at a place like a highway travel center. I remember the floors and walls as being a somewhat rust-orange color. I was at a sink attempting, sleeves rolled up, to wash my hands. There were several men in the bathroom. Some in stalls, some at sinks, some moving about...this is the setting in which the dream began.

Then, an older man, with short, white hair, began to approach me from behind, and somewhat aggressively, although his facial expression demonstrated no real aggression being somewhat stoic. There was a younger man with him, shorter, and slightly behind him to his right.

The older man began to hover over me, aggressively, pushing me against the wall, almost smothering me. It reached a point where I felt I had to respond and defend myself. Finally, I lashed out and began pummeling this man, beating him back until he fell on the floor. I then settled on top of him and kept pummeling him. The younger man with him then attempted to intervene, and I hit him with a few blows and he backed off and was no longer seen in the dream. I then returned to pummeling the older man. I then began to notice that my hands and arms were covered in blood, and I stopped hitting the man, who by this time was laying in the floor, unconscious. I got up to head to a sink to wash myself.

All of the men in the bathroom had just stood back and watched all of this transpire, with an almost unspoken knowledge that what I had done was justified. I saw a couple of them drag the old man out and then I returned to washing up, determined to get the blood off of my arms and hands. I began to sense that, although these men who watched didn't condemn me for what I had done, they were afraid of me, some of them trying very hard to move about without me noticing them.

Eventually, as I was finishing cleaning my hands and arms, one of the men who had drug the old man out of the bathroom returned, saying to one of the other men in the bathroom, "Well, the old guy is dead." At this point, although it was common knowledge in the room that I had been justified, I felt compelled to leave before any law enforcement might arrive. I left, went out to my car (my actual car--a 4 wheel drive Ford Escape), and left. When I left it was night, and no police had ever appeared.

That's my dream.

What's significant is that my former fiance had a troubling dream that same night (she seldom dreams), and on that day her father had sent me a very troubling email. I can't help but feel it's all related.
Last edited by manicmusician on Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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If it should give any perspective

Post by manicmusician »

My former fiance's family is out of a Christian cult, and much of their personal beliefs concerning family matters and relationships were forged there, even though they are no longer members.

Her father would only allow me to call her, a 23 year old woman, every other day, as he feels he has "authority" over her until marriage. He has a history of depression, and the home has a history of negativity and dysfunction.

On October 15th, out of nowhere, her father sent me a very smarmy, insulting, and condescending email, attempting to exert his influence over our relationship. This was the first in a series of unpleasant encounters with him, and it had troubled me a great deal.

Recently, her family turned her entirely against me, as I was trying to get her out of that environment.

I'm not sure of the etiquette, but if it is allowable and will help, I'll post her dream.
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Her dream

Post by manicmusician »

I didn't see any rule that would prevent this, so...

Her dream, and keep in mind this happened on the same night as my dream...

In her dream, she and her sisters were trying to hide a dead body in a swimming pool or pond. They would keep pushing it under, then it would float back up. They would panic, fearing people would see it, and the process was repeated many times. Push it under. Float back up. Panic. Push it under...and so on.

Eventually, she came to a place where the body was laid out on the floor, she had to look at it, and the implication, the common knowledge within the room, is that she was responsible for it's death.

Post by talitha »

Praying for revelation..... Submitting this to you for your consideration:

I was in a public restroom at a place like a highway travel center. I remember the floors and walls as being a somewhat rust-orange color.
This color I feel is indicative of age/antiquity. The publicness of the place feels odd - impersonal maybe? - not sure I understand that.

I was at a sink attempting, sleeves rolled up, to wash my hands.
What I'm getting here is that you are wanting to wash your hands of something and get away, possibly of all this uncomfortable dealing with this family?

There were several men in the bathroom. Some in stalls, some at sinks, some moving about...this is the setting in which the dream began.
Maybe this setting is just indicating that you are in a place of getting cleaned up to move on?

Then, an older man, with short, white hair, began to approach me from behind, and somewhat aggressively, although his facial expression demonstrated no real aggression being somewhat stoic. There was a younger man with him, shorter, and slightly behind him to his right.
I feel that this older man represents a spirit that has been around your fiance's family for a long time, hence the age, and there is animosity because of your presence - I feel there is a purity of the spirit of God on you, and this spirit hates that. I also feel that the fact that he's accompanied by a younger man, and his relative position, is significant, but I'm not understanding that right now - perhaps this is something you personally need to pray into. At any rate, this spirit has pursued you. I would be on the lookout if I were you for behavior in myself that reflects this spirit and not your usual personality; that could indicate some oppression/influence that will need to be broken. Hmmm, hearing "soul tie"...... that is the reason, perhaps, that the spirit could pursue you to this place......

The older man began to hover over me, aggressively, pushing me against the wall, almost smothering me.
These actions, I believe, are a clue as to the type of spirit you are dealing with. I'm guessing that this spirit is tied to the attitudes and actions of your ex-fiance's father toward you. Hm, I am wondering if the man represents a familial stronghold, and the younger man might actually represent the spirit behind it? or vice-versa somehow?

It reached a point where I felt I had to respond and defend myself. Finally, I lashed out and began pummeling this man, beating him back until he fell on the floor. I then settled on top of him and kept pummeling him. The younger man with him then attempted to intervene, and I hit him with a few blows and he backed off and was no longer seen in the dream. I then returned to pummeling the older man. I then began to notice that my hands and arms were covered in blood, and I stopped hitting the man, who by this time was laying in the floor, unconscious. I got up to head to a sink to wash myself.
Looks like you have experienced a measure of victory over this spirit, and you are still desiring to move on.

All of the men in the bathroom had just stood back and watched all of this transpire, with an almost unspoken knowledge that what I had done was justified. I saw a couple of them drag the old man out and then I returned to washing up, determined to get the blood off of my arms and hands. I began to sense that, although these men who watched didn't condemn me for what I had done, they were afraid of me, some of them trying very hard to move about without me noticing them.
Reminds me of the fear of outsiders when they saw how Ananias and Sapphira were dealt with......

Eventually, as I was finishing cleaning my hands and arms, one of the men who had drug the old man out of the bathroom returned, saying to one of the other men in the bathroom, "Well, the old guy is dead." At this point, although it was common knowledge in the room that I had been justified, I felt compelled to leave before any law enforcement might arrive. I left, went out to my car (my actual car--a 4 wheel drive Ford Escape), and left. When I left it was night, and no police had ever appeared.
4-wheel drive - power/authority
Ford - crossing over to the other side
Escape -
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. (1 Cor 10:13-14)
law enforcement, police - others who defend certain parameters but may not understand the spiritual war aspect of all this? I'm feeling that this might be your ex-fiance's family?
night - covered?

I pray that the Lord will give you full revelation - and on a personal level, I am truly sorry that you have had to go though this very difficult time. It's important to cling to the faithfulness of God through it, isn't it?


Post by talitha »

PS - I do agree with you that the dreams are related.

This scripture comes to mind in connection to your beloved's dream:

Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me. So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I of myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
(end of Romans 7, RSV)

I believe we should not stop there, because the hope lies in the next chapter:
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.
(Romans 8:1-2)

I feel that Romans 8 and the truths therein are very important in the process of freedom for this lady whom I sense you still love, and that it would probably be good to pray using these scriptures for her.

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Post by manicmusician »

I found several things interesting there, and much of it bears very strong witness with my spirit. I found your use of the term "familial stronghold" very interesting in this passage...

"The older man began to hover over me, aggressively, pushing me against the wall, almost smothering me.
These actions, I believe, are a clue as to the type of spirit you are dealing with. I'm guessing that this spirit is tied to the attitudes and actions of your ex-fiance's father toward you. Hm, I am wondering if the man represents a familial stronghold, and the younger man might actually represent the spirit behind it? or vice-versa somehow?"

I've been posting blogs about this situation, one of which was titled "Guilt...and Liberty" in which I included the following passage...

"There are some basic tenets that we all must live by. No question about that. The issues arise when men use rules to manipulate behavior in others, traditions are formed, and traditions in the hands of men are dangerous things. Christ told the Pharisees that "by your traditions you have made the Law of no effect". They began to worship the Law itself rather than the God that gave it, who had given it only as a stop-gap to reconcile men to Him until He introduced a perfect covenant in Christ.

Just as was the case with the gentleman I mentioned earlier, who was more interested in defending a father's "headship" and "authority" than uncovering truth, these traditions become footholds, which then become strongholds, which then become obstacles in our walk with the Lord. If scripture doesn't support it, it's base, meaningless, and nothing. God would have us live free of man's traditions and rules.

John 8: 36So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free."

This is a spiritual battle unlike any in which I've ever been engaged, and truth is, if I were to tell you all of the details of the story, you might believe I were making it up. Some people do. It's just bizarre on many levels.

This woman is the other half of my soul, as I believe God has made it abundantly clear (I put out a fleece in January...God answered it pretty dramatically) that my missing rib is in this woman. I love her relentlessly, more with each passing day, in spite of her treatment of me in the last two months. She has been instructed to have no contact with me.

I'm eating and trying to take care of myself, but my heart and soul languish and I'm shriveling up (I've lost 30 pounds since the first of June), yet still clinging to God. My personal prayer has been Psalm 119:81-88.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should change His mind. Has He said and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it good?
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Another dream I had about a month ago

Post by manicmusician »

I have little doubt that it's also related, but I'm not quite sure how to take it.

It was a very, very brief dream, more like a vision, where my vision was focused in on a street corner in a very small, American Gothic-esque, midwestern farm type of town. It was in the daytime, as there was sunlight, and I was looking at an old storefront type of old small downtown building that sat to the right across the intersection.

Everything was bland as there were no store names posted, or street signs, or lettering of any type that I recall. My eyes began to focus in on a small sign in the window. It was a mesh of purple, orange/yellowish, and maybe green, if I remember the coloring correctly, with the colors almost tiered, with one blending into the next.

In the sign, this phrase came into very firm focus..."Look Ahead".

I immediately woke up after seeing this.

Look ahead obviously means look ahead, but there are many ways to look ahead, and I'm seeking what area and in what manner to "look ahead", and how to apply it to this situation.

God bless.
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Post by naveah »

Since it was an old place maybe it is you are going from an old place to a new place in the Lord. Past behind Look ahead

Full steam ahead
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by manicmusician »


Do you sense that this soul tie is between me and her, and therein would lie the animosity toward me from this spirit, or do you sense that it's more toward an unhealthy soul tie between her and her father? Or possibly both?

Also, if it were between her and her father, from 2600 miles away, I wonder how I would pray to combat it.

Post by talitha »

Honestly, I just heard the phrase "soul-tie" - I guess it would be between you and the young lady? and I'm not saying whether it's a good or bad one, because I don't know.

But as far as praying from 2600 miles away, I firmly believe there is no distance that prayer won't cover; spiritual geography is much different than physical geography......

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Post by manicmusician »

I keep getting an Ahab and Jezebel thing today, and I feel it in connection to this dream.

Maybe the older man was a Jezebel Spirit and the younger an Ahab spirit (following Jezebel's lead) or vice versa???

Strangely, I'm engaging a false doctrine at the base of the conflict IRL, and doing it with no help (except the Lord--who is always enough), much like Elijah did.

This doctrine has just enough wholesomeness and truth to pass the initial look test, but once you get past the surface, it's cultic poison based on human authority. They talk a God game, but live by man-made rules dealing with the "umbrella of authority". The umbrella is a human one.

I genuinely believe that if God spoke directly to one of them and instructed them in some fashion, and they KNEW it was God, they would first go to their human spiritual "covering", and if he instructed them otherwise, they would obey their "covering".

"And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word."

Since I essentially asked these people the same question, not a peep from them.