broken face

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broken face

Post by WaitingforHim »

I had a clock in my hand and I was looking to see if anyone else had a clock..I was making sure they all had a clock ....It seemed like they did.

Then I realize my face is has lots of cracks in it and big cuts and I am worried they will see it. I am hoping they won't notice but realize it would be hard not to notice..

This dream is my mother in laws...
Any thoughts?
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by Joy2dream »

The Face of Time. It may be that your MIL is going to come together with some people who have new ways of doing things and she will feel a bit embarassed at having had time and been through the struggles and cuts of life and not be where the new people are. I would tell her to be encouraged because of people in the past like me and her the youth would not be where they are today.

I was reading Jill Austin, Dancing with Destiny and she was saying how that we "old" folks should not be willing to be in the background applauding and shouting the new generation on but how we need to be down there with them teaching and training them what we know so that they don't have to do what we have done.

If we keep the same cycle going we are not moving just circling around and around.

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Re: broken face

Post by charlie »

WaitingforHim wrote: Then I realize my face is has lots of cracks in it and big cuts and I am worried they will see it. WFH
...was it the clock's face or you MIL's face that was broken?

If it was you MIL's what struck me was that she was acutely aware of her ageing (time ticking by) and I was struck by a sense of deep lonliness she bears in her sense of pain and brokenness.

I would hazard a guess that in sharing htis with you she may be inviting you to comfort her in some you have a good relationship with her?

just some thoughts....not an interp but the pathos really struck me.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Thank you both.
Our relationship is at peace. But only because the Lord has given me great grace to forgive alot of hurt that was done to me and continually comes toward me even now..Thank you Lord!

Yes, it was her face that was broken. Like glass almost..
I know that she struggles with being noticed by people alot. She is constantly boasting in herself and putting others down to make herself feel better. An example would be: She went to a church to visit and they were having bible study. She didn't know any of the people there but joined in. They were discussing an issue and she felt the need to disagree so she boldly speaks out that they are tying God's hands by believing the way they do and kept going...The people were left staring in disbelief that she would do this not knowing them and they changed the subject to keep the peace. She called to tell me about this but was laughing about it and thought it was funny and she said that the Lord probably sent her there to teach them because they obviously didn't know what they were talking about! Another example would be that she is always talking about how well she does this or that and is always finding fault in all that others do. She once said to me that she wouldn't be able to put up with some of the people that I did in ministry...and that she would have just told them like it was. Then she followed it up with "You never know, they could die! They are getting old!"...I was so grieved...

Lately she has been telling people they need to be watchful of what time we are in..meaning the Lord is coming and they need to be I was wondering if this wasn't about her worrying about them but trying to hide her own cracks and broken parts in her heart??

Thanks for listening you guys..I appreciate your time and effort in this.
Love you so much.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Krista »

Sounds a little bit to me that she is noticing that shes getting old.

This might not actually true for this case, but I've really discovered that sometimes people who scream about judgment a lot, well they are actually screaming about their own upcoming judgment.

She might be inwardly discerning her own time coming short, as she watches her image crumble.
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Post by Krista »

Yanno on second thought...

It sounds like she is deeply insecure. She probably knew that she made a fool out of herself, and was feeling the need to tell you about it so you could reassure her.

I almost think that the lady was right who said she seems like she's opening up to you, or trying to get reassurance from you. Mother in laws can sure be pains in da butts!
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Mother in laws can sure be pains in da butts!
:lol: Like I said, its by HIS grace that I am still loving and looking the other way at times..

She doesn't come to be for support..but I have definately offered my share and continue to do so, but I find that it almost adds to her feeling that she is on top so to speak..I have tried to change the subject of "I" to "the Lord" many times too..but it always comes back to being about her..I too felt that there must be insecurity issues there..But its really hard to even be around those type of people because they simply don't receive what you say and even though she is saved, the Lord tends to not get the glory if you know what I mean.. One time she prayed for me for healing in front of my kids and she began to speak in tongues and yell and shake as if the power of the Lord was all over her..Then when she was done she looked at my kids and said "What?! Didn't you know that I could be used that way? You didn't know I could be that powerful did you?" Its really sad, because instead of being able to enjoy your time with her you end up trying to get away because all that ends up coming out of the visit is condemnation or boasting.. I don't think she is becoming aware of her age..she has for as long as I can remember always boasted on how young she is for her age compared to everyone else..And this was back when she was pretty young..she is only 55 now so she isn't that old and she only looks like she is 40.

I don't mean to talk negative about her so please forgive me if this sounds that way. I do love her and pray all the time that the Lord would touch her heart and do a work in her that He would receive the glory for. I am by no means perfect and am sure that others can see a lot of flaws in me that I can't see my intention wasn't to point at her..but I felt that maybe if you understood a little about her that this may come together..
Love you all.
Thanks so much.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Jehu »

I see this as part of the call on your life. You help others recognize the times and seasons they are in. People will set there clocks by you. You have been through some things that have made you feel like you have lost face in they eyes of others. Your right they ether wont care or notice.

I hope that helps you sister.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Post by naveah »

Save face before it is to late???????

I really don;t know what this means but I heard it quiet clearly
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by Krista »

Sometimes people need to vent!

Honestly though, truly, my mother in law is just how you describe. She's even worse than that, and she's not saved either. (Please pray for her if it crosses your mind!)

The thing is, I can really promise you that if you come to her for advice, and then she needs to boast more, she's just trying to make it look like she really didn't need, or she didn't really want your advice, or your care when in fact that's exactly what she was doing.

Maybe if the post up from mine is right, and she's trying to save face, maybe shes so deeply insecure that she feels she has to hide how incapable, and how bad she really is. Maybe your prayers for her are coming through in dreams trying to help find the way out of that insecurity.

Either way, I can totally feel for you, Theres been a few time's ive literally wanted to choke the snot out of mine!

God bless you!

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Post by WaitingforHim »

Wow thanks you guys.
William, the dream wasn't was my mother in laws...And its true, inspite of the condition of her own heart and her own sin, she is blasting the trumpet that time is running out to all the family members she can reach..and none of them seem to care...I have actually told her that we need to preach the gospel to each one differently according to the spirit of the such a way that it doesn't push them further away but instead draws them..But she is not very gentle in that way.

Interesting Naveah..hmmmm...I am wondering if that would mean, save heart before its too late? Meaning, for all of us, to make sure our hearts are right before its too late..???
Just a thought.

Krista, you have been a breath of fresh air..hahahaha..Its nice to see we are still "real" even when we are saved...I do believe she is insecure and I do believe the Lord is moving through dreams...but when he gives her these kinds its hard for me to tell her what I most of the time I just help her with symbols and then pray...because I don't want to push her away to where she won't share with me anymore either. I will continue to pray for her and yours also..We do need more relationships like Ruth and Naomi don't we!!

Love you all.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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your mil's dream

Post by For Him Only »

Wow, I think you hit it on the mark when you said
Lately she has been telling people they need to be watchful of what time we are in..meaning the Lord is coming and they need to be I was wondering if this wasn't about her worrying about them but trying to hide her own cracks and broken parts in her heart??
I think you are right.
Also, there is that verse in proverbs 27:19 "As in water face answers to and reflects face, so the heart of man to man" (AMP)
When I read your response, that verse immediately sprang up in me.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Oh wow, thanks for that scripture.
love you.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.