Can't seem to shake this...

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Can't seem to shake this...

Post by RoadLessTraveled »

To preface what I am about to say, I'll give you a little history. I have three nephews, all under four. Since I have no kids of my own, they are like my own. I live close by and spend alot of time with them, and we are really bonded. I have dreamed about 4 times in the last few months, that my middle nephew (only 3 years old) is drowning. This is really starting to disturb me. Last night I dreamed that we were on vacation together near the ocean. The kids were playing in the sand and we told them not to go near the water.
Well, in the next part of the dream, my middle nephew was under the water and I was trying to save him. He had on his little blue and white striped onesie. He kept going deeper under and I could'nt go deep enough to reach him...I needed to come up for air but I was afraid to...I knew that I would never get to him if I did that. That is all I remember. I woke up crying non-stop. It felt so real. My little buddy had drown.

As I said before I have dreamed this a few times...about him drowning although the situations have been different. I'm crying now as I write this.
What I'm wondering is could this be from God?(I hope not a warning)

Or do you think this is the devils way of messing with me? It wouldn't surprise me...He knows the best way to get to me is through my family.
I am hoping that somebody will pray with me about this. If it is a warning...Please pray for protection and prevention of this happening. If is is an attack...please pray that satan would stop influencing my dreams(which are supposed to be a gift from God.)

I was talking to him today(my nephew) and I asked him to tell me a story about God. I said, "who is Jesus"? and he said, "God is Jesus's son"...:) Then I said, what does Jesus do? And he said...He protects us! I almost cried right then and there...I have been a mess today!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I dont wantt o lead u astray. Dreams can be warnings.. But can this have anything to do with Haloween? Is there alot of spiritual activity in ur area? I had some wierd dreams myself and i think they came from t he second heavens.
It could be just the time of year.
But if u think not... let me ask u... does ur family have a trip planned in the furture such as the ocean? Or does ur nephew have easy acess to a pool?
Also are u closer to him then the others?
Think and pray about this and use a proces sof elemination to sort out where u think this may be coming from.
1. The second heavnes fed by the time of year ( Haloween)
2. Possibel danger zones ur nephew realistically could encounter in the near furture.
3. A.nxiety over nephew fueled by a unusually close bond with him.
Give the dream time and hopefully someone will know more.
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Post by Krista »

I really believe this is a call for intercession, but not an actual warning of an actual drowning. I suspect hes going through some hardship, maybe stress. It sounds like God is putting him on your heart so you will pray for him! And I bet that is what your doing.

Wow, God bless you for loving those kids so much, everyone should be so lucky as to have an aunt like that.

Post by Joy2dream »

He had on his little blue and white striped onesie.
Is this something that the child wore as a baby or something he still wears?

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Post by RoadLessTraveled »

Thanks for your responses,
Jewels: As far as it being around halloween...possible, except for the fact that I've had this dream back to summertime. My family goes to the ocean to vacation every year(I don't go). And, he is not my favorite cause I love them all the same. The oldest is 4. Middle is 3. And then there's the baby.

Krista: If it was a call to intercession, it worked! But if that was from was a cruel way to get my attention.:(

Joy: He wore that onesie when he was younger...around 1 to 1 1/2 years...maybe even to 2.
I've had a lot of "weird" dreams lately. If it wasn't for the fact that I have had this one a few times before...I would have let it slip.[/quote]

Post by Joy2dream »

The reason I asked about the onsie is there have been several board dream with blue thread in them. I just want to make sure I am not missing something important. So bear with me and the questions. Is the child's name significant? And in the dream was he a baby or is he his current age of 3?

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Post by RoadLessTraveled »

Hi Joy,

His name is Benjamin. And in my dream I believe he was his current age.

Post by Joy2dream »

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Post by Krista »

Sorry if you think it's cruel :/

But I've had two dreams of my mother dying, both times was when she was so depressed she was contemplating suicide. Even though I have a very very rocky relationship with my mother, both times those dreams upset me very much.

Anytime I have a shocking dream about anyone, I feel it's God asking me to pray for them. I once dreamed about my uncle trying to shoot me with a shot gun, I really believe he sometimes struggles with violent fantasies, so I felt that was a call for prayer too.

Maybe it's more like we see something in the spirit world than God getting our attention, I just always feel like those dreams are a signal to pray.

Post by Joy2dream »

On Benjamin's Name From Strong's Concordance

Lexicon Results for Binyamiyn (Strong's H1144) Hebrew for H1144 בנימין Transliteration

bin·yä·mene' (Key)

Part of Speech
proper masculine noun

Root Word (Etymology)

from H1121 and H3225

TWOT Reference

Variant Spellings The following spelling is supported by Strongs and Gesenius: בנימין.[about] Outline of Biblical Usage

Benjamin = "son of the right hand"

1) Jacob's and Rachel's youngest son, Joseph's full brother

2) son of Bilhan, great-grandson of Benjamin

3) a Benjamite, one of the sons of Harim, in the time of Ezra who had taken a strange wife

4) the tribe descended from Benjamin, the son of Jacob

Link --> ... 1144&t=KJV

Post by Joy2dream »

This is what I am hearing on the dream. As always pray regarding the interp because we can all be wrong, especially me.

I think this dream is a two fold dream as in I feel like it has two meanings.
Last night I dreamed that we were on vacation together near the ocean. The kids were playing in the sand and we told them not to go near the water.
This part the Lord is giving you a warning to the children. In the dream they are you family. But they are also near the sand which I cannot get away from the decendants of Abraham on this either and Israel with the sea coast.
Well, in the next part of the dream, my middle nephew was under the water and I was trying to save him. He had on his little blue and white striped onesie.

The blue and white onesie as soon as I read it I had a visual of the Israeli Flag and the blue thread of the prayer shawl. Now in the dream either Benjamin was wearing something that was too young for him to be wearing at age 3 or he had regressed in the dream for a reason by what he had on to get your attention.

He kept going deeper under and I could'nt go deep enough to reach him...I needed to come up for air but I was afraid to...I knew that I would never get to him if I did that.
This I see as a call to intercession. Now it's not because I fear that Benjamin will die but usually in death there is an end of a situation, circumstance, etc. and not the acutal person but who he may be representing.

Interp #1: I see that Benjamin, The son of my right hand, is to be a righteous one for the Lord and as you begin to interceed more for him it will seem to be that you will get very tired and want to come up for air but you must keep praying for his spiritual inheritance in Jesus. I don't feel this is an actual death but it may be that there will be many things come against him in life and you will be the one helping to pray into those situations.

Interp #2: There is a very famous man in Israel named Benjamin. I feel like he will be the next Prime Minister of that Country. I believe this part of your dream is to begin to lift him up from the sea of his people and help pray him into position.

RLT, I realize I have stepped out a bit here but please consider with prayer. Praying over both these Bens will only bless them and not hurt them. Warning dreams are giving to us because God loves the people we are to interceed for and He knows the plans of the adversary so He also know how to call us to prayer to advert the plans of the enemy. One thing with drowning is to smother the breath out, could mean the adversary is trying to smother the work of the Holy Spirit.

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Post by RoadLessTraveled »

Wow Joy,

You got a lot more depth than I would have imagined. I will pray over these interps. Regardless of the actual meaning of the dream, one thing I know for sure is that it is a call to intercession. All I know is that my dream can't become a reality. Despite my best efforts to save him...I could'nt reach him and ended of failing to save his life:(

Post by Joy2dream »

If you felt it was an actual death in the dream, if it is symbolic it can mean the end of a circumstance or situation, something coming to an end.

Let Jesus lead you.