Vision - Screaming Eagle ...

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Vision - Screaming Eagle ...

Post by Jo-Ann »

It was a year ago I had this vision. This vision has come to me again a number of times.

Vision - Screaming Eagle

God gave me a vision of a place that was desolated as far as the eye could see; I could sense the emptiness, poverty, brokenness and despair. As I looking over this land the ground suddenly began to form into a cone shape, and then without warning this huge eagle came flying out. The look in the eagle’s eyes was one of very intense determination and the high-pitched scream was one of a warrior heading for war.

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Re: Vision - Screaming Eagle ...

Post by charlie »

Jo-Ann wrote:the ground suddenly began to form into a cone shape, and then without warning this huge eagle came flying out. mean the eagle flew out of the cone hump of land?
Just checking I understand correctly?

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Post by Jo-Ann »

Yes. Sorry about that :)
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Post by charlie »

wow...that's quite a you have it when you are interceeeding on a particular issue?

To me eagle speaks of the far sightedness of a prophetic/seer gift in operation but I'm not sure of the significanc eof erupting volcanoe like from the earth...could it represent something more earth bound or carnal than spiritual? I'm not sure...

wonder if anyone else has some insight...


Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Jo-Ann »

This vision was giving to me while I was interceeeding on my hubby and my behalf-Break Throught-Guidance-deeper vision. I am a seer-learn what that gift was called a few years back. Been a seer since child hood.
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Post by charlie »

Jo-Ann wrote:Break Through-Guidance-deeper vision.
JO-Anne...after I logged off the words core prophetic/core vision came to me...I think that seems to be what you say above.

Have you and hubs experienced that breakthrough guidance since the time you first had the vision?

thanks for sharing...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Jo-Ann »

LOL I was just ponder that before reading this post. Yes-there has been much guidance although rocky on our part due to the whole issue of our logic could not be applied and God has also giving major revelation concerning a spirit of poverty-God has been teaching us this spirit is about a mind set or a way of thinking-still learning. We have received some new direction and deeper vision as well in the past couple of days. What do core prophetic/core vision mean?

Thanks for helping,
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Post by keilani »

Don't know if this helps but the Screaming Eagles are the 101st Division of the Army in Ft Campbell KY

They are known for Air Assault (ie repelling off of choppers and onto the battleground).

Don't know if the 101st Psalm may be of any significance either....

Be blessed!
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Post by Jo-Ann »


I didn't know that about 101st Division how intense. What I saw and felt in that vision could easily fit the intensity of the 101 Di-vision- I personally believe God has been training a Spiritual Delta Force for many years. These people have been in very intense training and at His appointed time they will be released. A number of years back my hubby and I were heading to minister to another couple who were in dire straights (very satanic situation), on the way to this couples house GOD spoke very loudly to me and told me I was a high level intercessor and He required absolute obedient from me which means when I know I hear HIM I am to obey no questions asked. I was sacred to death and I felt as if I had some how graduated-which seemed odd to me because I didn’t understand the high level intercessor then and still don‘t now. Yes, 101st Psalm means very much to me. Close to15 years ago I made a vow to the LORD that I would never follow man again (people pleaser), I would walk righteous in all my ways no matter what it cost me and evil would not be tolerated in my presents and that which I have committed unto Him, He has kept. Thanks for sharing this, I have this odd feeling a pictures is emerging, God is about to reveal something to me.

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Post by keilani »

That is SO awesome Jo! And I do believe the Lord IS putting that picture together for you as well to reveal something great! I love our troops and I've got a special spot in my heart for the 101st! May you be a strong and effective warrior for Our Lord! God bless and keep you and yours! Mele Kalikimaka!
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Post by charlie »

Jo-Ann wrote: What do core prophetic/core vision mean?
Jo-Anne...the picture of the eagle bursting from the cone of earth spoke to me of coming from the core (like the earths core- you know how a volcano erupts and magna, or molten lava flows up from the earths core). I was linking this idea of the earths core and the eagle as core vision or core insight...I'm not sure how that would translate into your understanding of the vision but to me it could tie in with "deeper level" or something....

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Post by Jo-Ann »

My calling goes deeper then I am even aware of at this time. This concerns me because I want to do what is right and pleasing by God-He is going to trust me with yet another part of Him-a deeper part.
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Post by Jo-Ann »

More is being revealed. I can't remember if I had shared hubby and I are 95% sure we are heading to Austin TX-with that said God lead me to Aslan's Place late one night-I had no clue what I was looking for till I found it, which is how it works with me and Abba. Much to my delight there is a Church in Austin that is connected to Aslan's Place- we will be speaking to this Pastor this afternoon to learn more and share. One of our Hearts Desires was to be connected to this type of church-we will see what God is saying as things unfold :)

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Post by charlie »

...doesn't Jewels-Aglow know Aslans place?

...interesting how the lOrd is leading you and husband....I pray that you continue to see His purposes unravel over the coming months.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Jo-Ann »

Good Morning,

Yes she does that is how I learned about Aslan's Place and felt strongly drawn to them as I do this board. We are wanting to learn the deeper things of God-there is genaration junk we need to be get free from LOL can't tell what it all is other then I know it is there. God keep saying WAIT and follow Me. We are excited because it is a new season that we know holds many new adventures with God :)
Psalm 91:1 -He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.