dream of a Large Snake

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dream of a Large Snake

Post by Michael »

Last nite (1/14)...

I'm sitting at a small table (sidewalk cafe type) with a woman in a very long retangular room, we're at one end. I'm looking the toward the far end of the room at the closed door through which a very large snake is passing, in my mind the word 'serpent' keeps repeating.
I ask "Do you see that?"
her reply "Oh that, yeah, just sit still, he'll leave you alone"
The snake is now completely inside, partially coiled and standing nearly 6 ft tall and probably 24 inches in diameter.
the snake turns it's head looking slowly about the room then turns his attention toward another room where my son is playing a video game and begins to move in that direction.
I stand up quickly and look around for some manner of weapon.
Again she says... "just sit still and you'll be safe"

As I stand trying to formulate a plan, I have vision or something...

(I'm standing in an alley facing this huge snake, he's upright and holding my son upside down by his foot... he tosses Steven into a dumpster, looks directly at me and says "this time he loses" or something to that effect)

...I'm back in the rectangular room, and in my mind I'm hearing;
'if you listen to her the child is finished'

Looking down at the table I see a knife... I grab it and take off toward the snake... Then I wake up.

any ideas

Post by Joy2dream »

I'm sitting at a small table (sidewalk cafe type) with a woman in a very long retangular room, we're at one end. I'm looking the toward the far end of the room at the closed door through which a very large snake is passing, in my mind the word 'serpent' keeps repeating.
I ask "Do you see that?"
her reply "Oh that, yeah, just sit still, he'll leave you alone"
I see this as an idea that the corporate church has. Typically they think that if you don't bother the enemy he will not bother you. This is a lie of course as revealed in the rest of your dream. The woman I feel like is a lying spirit to misdirect you and keep you from protecting your son.
The snake is now completely inside, partially coiled and standing nearly 6 ft tall and probably 24 inches in diameter.
the snake turns it's head looking slowly about the room then turns his attention toward another room where my son is playing a video game and begins to move in that direction.
The snake sounds like he is big enough to represent a human, not sure. Snakes can represent lies of the enemy and deceit. Since you son is playing a video game I would check out what he is playing with because they are not all good. (I've been with this with my sons).

I stand up quickly and look around for some manner of weapon.
Again she says... "just sit still and you'll be safe"
She is still lying trying to keep you from protecting your son.
As I stand trying to formulate a plan, I have vision or something...

(I'm standing in an alley facing this huge snake, he's upright and holding my son upside down by his foot... he tosses Steven into a dumpster, looks directly at me and says "this time he loses" or something to that effect)

...I'm back in the rectangular room, and in my mind I'm hearing;
'if you listen to her the child is finished'

Looking down at the table I see a knife... I grab it and take off toward the snake... Then I wake up.
A vision within a dream, I see as the Lord telling you to rise up in the situation and kill the snake. The enemy is a liar and the father of all lies. Holy Spirit has given you this dream to defeat the lie of the enemy.

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Post by Michael »


Your interpretation bear witness in my spirit
and confirms that which was in my heart.


Post by Joy2dream »

Praise Jesus!
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Post by imavessel »

First ask the Lord if this is from Him-
If you are content and believe so-


I would say that complacentcy often fools us---- to believing that if we just sit by then things will eventually be okay.

In the dream complacently was the woman-

In reality, complacentcy might be the voice trying to talk to you.

Because complacentcy talks to us all.

I get that you either already HAVE a concern for you son-
Or something is trying to alert you to a concern-

Thing is, the "serpent" we all know was the devil that came in that form to "deceive" . . .

Sometimes that which seems "harmless" is very deceiving- and if we are sitting by because we are neither driven to assess the situation or -WHAM- put a stop to it . . .

then we can indeed find ourselves with the refuse------------------

The other thing is though-
Thought the enemy does come only to STEAL, KILL & DESTROY-----

if we have Jesus===== we alrady have the weapon-

Just as the knife or dagger in your dream-

You already have thew tools to defeat-------------------------------

In fact, Jesus already did at the cross.

It's just, sometimes we have to walk it out a little.

Maybe it is a call to action.

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Post by Michael »

"I would say that complacency often fools us---- to believing that if we just sit by then things will eventually be okay"

I can't argue that point... years back I worked for an air-ambulance/charter company.
While in ground-school the company's chief-pilot & instructor had a saying I'll never forget...
"Complacency is the silent killer, the moment you become complacent about the condition of your aircraft or your ability/responsibility you're dead"

"Just as the knife or dagger in your dream-"

After reading this last nite... I recalled Eph 6:17
"... and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God"
