Queuing to see the prophet

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Queuing to see the prophet

Post by pilgrim »

Dream this morning:

Walking with some others when they stopped outside a doorway, in a queue. I asked them "What are we queuing for?" Reply, "the prophet." I started to look up at the doorway to see what this prophet was, (in my mind I saw a sign, not with my eyes, and it was dark blue with stars and possibly the moon on it, like the night) and was a bit disturbed and asked, "Is the prophet occult or Christian?" Reply: "the prophet is Christian." so I agreed to wait.
A woman came from the side of the building and called me to come in through a new entrance so I did. I was now at the front of the queue, next to go in, so paid £20 and walked through an open space into where the lady prophet (a well-known real prophet here, Sharon Stone) was trying to give a word to a young woman. I stood at a wooden pulpit watching and praying for her and was annointed as I prayed, my legs buckling under the annointing and intercession. The prophet was struggling to prophesy and said, "I need to rest."

Then I noticed a large bed in front of her low on the floor. It had satin sheets that were burgundy/brown or possibly dark purple in colour, and she lay down in the sheets. I knew that I would only have to wait a few minutes yet I went outside to the people that I had arrived with.

They were waiting on a bus-stop for a bus to Southampton which was due in 5 minutes! I persuaded them to come in with me as it would be worth it/interesting and they agreed. Then a coach pulled up and a man persuaded us to get in. He drove us towards the prophet's building (which was red with signs now) but would not stop and said he had not cheated me because the money I paid would now take us on our journey! I wanted to stop and see the prophet! :( :?

I know this has meaning so will be grateful for comments, please give Holy Ghost interpretation.

love Sue :)
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Post by pilgrim »

Anyone got a word on this?

Don't be shy, step out cos I need your opinion. You may have the very word that I need from God! :roll:

Love Sue
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Post by bjcollin »


I had to do a little research first.
It appears that Sharon Stone is a apostolic prophetess who is called to England and Europe. I noticed that she sometimes travels with Chuck Pierce who is a prophet from here in the Dallas area. Personally I don't think this dream was in reference to this particular womans walk with the Lord or her ministry before the Lord. This dream seems to be mainly about you the dreamer and your preceptions on prophecy.

I must say that getting in line to see a prophet at 20 pounds (almost $40 USD) is very excessive. The number 20 used in the Bible is the number of Redemption. Paying for a prophecy is not God's way, that is the way of Balaam, Bible story starts in Numbers 22. The New Testament 2 Peter 2:15-16 and Jude 1:11 labels Balaam as a false prophet. They question I have is why is it worth it and why would it be interesting? What is your personal feelings on prophecy?

You do start to notice in the dream the anointing is in prayer and intercession, not in prophecy. Prophecy as a gift does not come from ourselves, it only comes when the Holy Spirit speaks through the prophet. 2 Peter 1:20-21. The number 5 is the number of Grace. All of the red flag warning signs are out there on the outside of the bulding for all to see. Why go in when you can be in the Lord's presence for yourself?

In Christ,
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Post by pilgrim »

Wow BJ, thanks!

The reason I wanted to connect with this prophet was because the power of God in me was going to create some awesome sparks when we worked together. Not sure if I am expressing that well as I'm tired - long day at work!

I would not normally pay for prophesy, that was why I questioned if it was of the Lord, but I think much of this is symbolic. It was as if the world system was involved, the enemy trying to cash in, yet the Spirit of God was moving in this too. I felt that if we connected something wonderful of God would happen so the 'system' or enemy was determined to stop it.

Or maybe it was a warning!?

Patricia King and her team go to psychic fairs and set up booths to give free prophesy and have had amazing results, with even the psychics and fortune tellers queuing for a word from the Lord and being astounded!

I will think on your comments, BJ.

love Sue
Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called the sons of God.
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