Being Bitten by a Gray Cat

Archives for 2008
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Being Bitten by a Gray Cat

Post by Missyjojo88 »

I dreamed that my family and I were walking into a hallway to go into our house and the door to our house was opened and my eyes fell on our living room. We entered and saw a woman and a man who were making themselves comfortable in our home. The woman kindly told us to leave our house because it was taking away from us. We were forced to leave our home with our furniture left behind. I was myself talking to my father about the fact that we lost our house and the fact that our furniture was still back there, I was kind of dishearten by it.

Somehow my father must have found us another place because the scene changes to us going into an apartment building. We enter this large apartment and was browsing around. I remember seen an old lady sitting near a large desk that had a computer. This apartment must have been hers. My brother and I were looking at her computer desk because it was rather large. We continued to look around when the old lady and another old lady who was with her left us. My father begin to lead us up a stairway which was a surprise because I thought there was only one floor.

Once we got to the first level we saw other rooms and he started leading us to another stairway. We kept going up several floors stairways that were narrow with a narrow window at each level of the stairways. As we going up the stairways I would see a television hanging from the ceiling. It was a surprise to see an apartment with so many levels and stairways with more rooms than we could ever need. As we were climbing another set of stairway my father was talking about how my younger sister who was away in college living in her apartment would not be staying with us. He was saying how my sister was looking for her own church and that this place was for the rest of us which consists of my parents, my younger brother and myself.

Once we reach the next floor of the apartment we stop for a bit as my father and my mother were talking in this area while I was still standing near a railing. I didn’t quite roam around like my family, but I was just standing while my eye did the roaming. My eye spotted an ugly gray cat that was standing on the rail, near where I was standing. I look at it for a few second when I let out a shriek. That’s when this cat jump at me and bit into the top of my right hand. I was screaming from the pain and my father came and took the cat off my hand. I looked and saw a cut with blood appearing from it, but I wasn’t bleeding like I expected to be. I was expecting blood to be pouring out, but it just appeared in the cut, but wasn’t pouring.
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Posts: 417
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:16 pm

Post by Missyjojo88 »

Anyone see anything for this dream?