Friends: new boots

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Friends: new boots

Post by connie »

Good afternoon everyone,

The following is my friend's dream. She is mature in the Lord & anointed. Looking for confirmation or additional insight as led by the Lord.

I got a new pair of boots which I loved & treasured. They were white leather with laces up the front to the knee. They had a mukluk-look. I had to go outside (can't remember why). I was standing looking at a marshy area. There were yellowed grasses & an occasional wildflower scattered in the marshy waters. I took off my new boots so I wouldn't dirty them when I walked through the marsh.

I looked up across the marshy area to the tree line and there stood my eldest daughter (she's 50 years old). There was another woman with her (unidentified to me) who was clothed in an orange-yellowish colored clothing. I didn't fully look at my daughter yet I knew it was her. My eyes went to her feet. She was wearing my white boots! I felt anger rising up in me towards her. End

Thank you in advance from Dee (& connie)

Post by kimibrew »

Just some thoughts, ok?

Although you were mad about the boots, this might be the Lord giving you a heads up about emotions that might spring up as you watch your daughter come into something new and anointed by the Lord. You were sort of trail blazing, but your daughter arrived and with your boots...could mean with your provision.

I found a few exciting words that can be used to describe 50: Pentecost, liberty, freedom, Holy Spirit.



Post by Joy2dream »

Does the daughter carry the anointing as the mother?

I wonder if the daughter is going to take the anointing to places that the mother hasn't. In places that the boots would get dirty eg street mininstry, marketplace and outside of the church walls.

If the mother is older she may not understand the way the Lord is taking the prophetic out of the church and into the streets.

Just thoughts.........

Bless you,
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Post by connie »

Although you were mad about the boots, this might be the Lord giving you a heads up about emotions that might spring up as you watch your daughter come into something new and anointed by the Lord.
Dee says she'll be praying concerning this.
You were sort of trail blazing, .
Dee is very much a trailblazer! Good insight kimibrew.
but your daughter arrived and with your boots...could mean with your provision
Could you please explain this a little more, 'with your provision'- what kind of provision?
I found a few exciting words that can be used to describe 50: Pentecost, liberty, freedom, Holy Spirit.
This bit of information is an unexpected surprise! It's wonderful to have so many different sets of eyes and ears to help out. thank you kimibrew. Dee

Does the daughter carry the anointing as the mother?

I've been thinking on this and so has Dee... In my opinion, I do see a similar anointing however their hearts are for different kinds of people & in different venues.
I wonder if the daughter is going to take the anointing to places that the mother hasn't. In places that the boots would get dirty eg street mininstry, marketplace and outside of the church walls.
This struck a chord with Dee. It's true her daughter has a heart for those unsaved ones in the marketplaces & worldly settings whereas Dee ministers much to Christians to teach them to grow in the Lord. Dee said the good news is the boots fit her daughter in the dream- IRL: shoes are one item they can't share because of the difference in size and width of their feet. :D

If the mother is older she may not understand the way the Lord is taking the prophetic out of the church and into the streets.

She is older and does have her preferances as do we all, but she stays abreast of the Kingdom 'workings' through Christian TV and adores Patricia King et al.. She does know the Lord is taking the prophetic to the streets and is delighted with that move of the Lord. She is waiting on the Lord to open her ministry doors once again but as far as she can see,prophetically, the marketplaces are not where she is called to. She and her husband (who is with the Lord) held church services in their home and then the Lord told them to shut it down, she is waiting on the Lord to open up new ministry doors for her.

She has a servant heart and desires to be used greatly by the Lord. She so loves the Lord that it's simply beautiful to hear her praise and worship Him because you can hear and feel the pure love in her heart for Him and it draws one into His holy presence. :cry: :lol:

(me talking) as far understanding 'the way' He is doing it.. perhaps not. Sometimes we don't recognize the Lord's hand working in and through human lives particularly when His methods change; and/or when we don't 'see' with our natural eye what the Lord has done with the inner man and what He intends to do still. Yet, Dee does have pretty sharp spiritual eyesight and a close intimate relationship with the Lord so...

Thank you so much Joy from Dee and I.

If anyone has anything more to add, please do.

Any thoughts on the yellow grasses in the marsh? Dee said those stood out to her.


Post by kimibrew »

Hi Connie and Dee,

Sorry I got a little confused on whose dream this was.

The part about provision...I was thinking that as a good mom, you stored up treasures in your her ready to do what she needs to do...filled her gas tank, so to speak, with godly teaching, training, love, encouragement, guidance, etc.



Post by Joy2dream »

Image - This is wheat, could that have been the yellow grass but not fully developed or ready for the harvest just yet?

Hmm you never know what you'll find in Wikipedia, Found this when I typed in yellow grass, lol. There is an actual place called Yellow Grass!

I think wild flower may be symbolic of wild women, lol (been there done that got the t-shirt).

I don't fully understand the anger part with Dee, unless it is that the Lord knows that He needed to show her ahead of time that the Daughter has this same call but the boots are going to be walking in a different area than Dee has walked. Both missions are very honorable. But in some places, if I am correct, it may seem like the daughter will be casting her pearls before swine. Which she really won't be but to some of us it would look differently. And BTW I think the Patricia King area may be where the call is going.

Did you ever play dress up in your mom's high heels when you were young? The shoes didn't fit then and now they do.
I hope I am making sense. I know Dee is very dear to you and that she is a remarkable woman of God by your testimony and love for her, so I think this may be Holy Spirit preparing her for this move.
There was another woman with her (unidentified to me) who was clothed in an orange-yellowish colored clothing
Not sure about the woman, perhaps someone called to walk along beside her in marketplace ministry. The colors of clothing, I looked at the John Paul Jackson Dream card and

Yellow on the + is mind, hope, gift of God
on the - is fear, coward, intellectual pride

Orange on the + is perseverance
on the- is stubborness, strong willed

I will say though that I don't see the negatives on the colors playing a part in the dream. Yellow can also be for rememberance, like tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree. And orange for caution. I'm not sure maybe you call see something I am missing.

Blessings to both yall,

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Post by connie »

kimibrew wrote:Hi Connie and Dee,

Sorry I got a little confused on whose dream this was.

The part about provision...I was thinking that as a good mom, you stored up treasures in your her ready to do what she needs to do...filled her gas tank, so to speak, with godly teaching, training, love, encouragement, guidance, etc.


Awesome, thank you kimibrew! I'll pass on this encouraging news to Dee.

Joy, the Lord works in very interesting ways sistah! I just wanted to tell you quickly before I pass this information on to Dee. The link to the town Yellow Grass Saskatchewan is far more 'a God thing' than you probably realized. :lol: Dee lived in a farming community in Saskatchewan when she was a young girl! She also went on to become a 'pioneer farm wife' when her husband decided to quit his corporate city job and move the family out to a 'farmstead'.. basically a couple sections of dirt and trees ..

(The yellow grass was yellow grass not wheat.. this city girl (me) wouldn't know the difference off hand but Dee does.)

We also were quite concerned about the anger bit .. And Dee is seeking the truth and interested in having the Lord search her heart for sin or wrong attitudes.

BIG Thank yous to you and Kimi.

Blessings. connie

Post by Joy2dream »

ROFL - I had a feeling about the town thing.
Figured most would think I'd lost it but, you know whatever, lol.
I admit I love it when He works that way.

I really don't think it is a sin issue for Dee just a preparation of sorts, probably so she knows it is a plan of God. :mrgreen:

Jesus bless you both!

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Post by connie »

Kimibrew and Joy,

Dee says she wants you both to know she is full of gratitude for your Holy Spirit inspired insights and help on this dream. Your insights and offerings did bear witness in her spirit.

You were both a huge help in sorting through what the Lord was speaking to her. Prayers of gratitude and blessings have been prayed for you both.

May the Lord increase you both,
