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Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:23 pm
by Joy2dream
Could it be that Patricia's death in the market place is showing that she gave her life to/for this ministry and the calls you receive to your workplace is the calling to this ministry?

Where is your tree dream? I may have missed it.

I think this dream is a calling dream. The roof is gone either/and because you will be given open Heaven experiences or because there is no limit to what the Lord is giving you.

LOL, I used to feel like I could not benefit from the experiences and work that others before me had done, like I was lazy and needed to do them myself. But I know now that these people have given so that I can receive and not have to recreate the wheel, so to say.
Patricia King has done some awesome mininsty in the market place, taking it from handing out tracts to giving words of knowledge and showing people that Jesus will send us to them. Most of these people would not come to church because they feel like church is for the saints. We've had it so wrong for so long. I see Patricia King as a pioneer. 8)

Jesus Bless You and Your Husband,

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:38 pm
by mightyrhema
thanks joy! i believe you are onto something & totally agree that patricia king is a pioneer in that area! i think you would be right to connect her death in my dream, to her own sacrifices she no doubt has given in order to pursue this particular calling (or in order to be used fully by god) - & it would surely be representative of what others can expect that are called to the same ministry!

my tree dream, wasn't separated out in the forum, sorry! =] i posted it in this thread as a reply to everyone b/c i had it last night & feel it's related to this whole calling concept :) - it's on page 1 - here is my reply:
mightyrhema wrote:thank you! i think the time of fruitfulness + dying to flesh are relevant. i'm still receiving on this one... as i'm still asking what needs to go in my life.

last night i told god i need him to speak clearly to me, not abstractly. LOL if it's about the above... just tell me, don't show me someone dying & just expect me to understand it! :) so my dreams last night involved a flood rushing through my house; then later walking through a recently planted "garden", being led by the planter. the planter showed me his favorite growing tree - still a sapling, but his pride. he told me that the sap of this tree, when taken & distributed, would actually produce multiplied/exponential instances of the same tree... very interesting. ha.

upon waking from sleep i heard, "open the floodgates...". =] i'll take it. thank you lord! please continue to share if led regarding the marketplace dream.

here are the lyrics to the "Let it Rain" song:
Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven

The Lord reigns
Let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
Clouds and thick darkness surround Him
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of
His throne
Fire goes before Him
And consumes His foes on every side
His lightning lights up the world
The earth sees and trembles
The mountains melt like wax
Before the Lord of all the earth
The heavens proclaim His righteousness
And all the people see His glory.

Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven.
you are so right about others going before us & "paving the way" so-to-speak - or god in them that is. what good would it do anyone if we all had to spend our time, as you say re-creating the wheel? :) nothing would ever move forward, right?

i thank god for people like patricia king, & let's say my mother b/c she's probably also my spiritual mother who has done a lot in that area as far as paving goes... lol she'll laugh at this i'm sure - b/c it's an understatement! wow, this was a tangent, sorry! lol

thanks for replying - you & everyone else, have given me much to pray about, although i think i'm seeing the answers to my prayers in this thread! PTL! \o/ bless you big! --mr--

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:24 pm
by mightyrhema
maybe i'm way off here - but something else that just occurred to me in prayer - is that we associate patricia with being a well-known seer, etc.... & i think that could be key.

when i thought again about her role of dying in my dream, & also how well-known she is, i immediately heard - "now is a time for the unknowns..." so, she was also moving aside in a sense, to let the unknown prophetic voices come forth, yet the principles were & are still the same.

it's probable that this dream isn't just for me. (of course, i believe there are other personal things in this just FOR ME, that haven't even been touched here, nor do i plan to), but the idea of marketplace ministry, & preparation for it.... indeed applies to all who are called.

ok unknowns... who are you? \o/
blessings to all!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:48 am
by WaitingforHim
I would have to agree with the "moving out of the way" thing...I didn't post it before but I did think I head in my spirit something along those lines..."making a way for ....." My spirit bares witness...and I receive it for myself too....Thank you Jesus...

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:04 am
by Joy2dream
maybe i'm way off here - but something else that just occurred to me in prayer - is that we associate patricia with being a well-known seer, etc.... & i think that could be key.

when i thought again about her role of dying in my dream, & also how well-known she is, i immediately heard - "now is a time for the unknowns..." so, she was also moving aside in a sense, to let the unknown prophetic voices come forth, yet the principles were & are still the same.

it's probable that this dream isn't just for me. (of course, i believe there are other personal things in this just FOR ME, that haven't even been touched here, nor do i plan to), but the idea of marketplace ministry, & preparation for it.... indeed applies to all who are called.

Not that I claim to be a prophet but I can minister to people at work ect. The Lord needs prophetic warriors in the streets.

Bless you!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:43 am
by connie
HI mighty rhema,

The Lord bless you.

I happened upon a video on the Extreme Prophetic website, titled (2008 Program 10) The Political Spirit & as I watched, your dream came to mind.. Patricia King mentioned a vision she had in 2002 of a very well dressed man who pulled a gun out and pointed it at her.. she knew the 'man' was actually a demon spirit. Shortly after, she came under heavy persecution from (the 'church') and for 3 years she did everything she could to work with the people through whom this spirit was operating but was unable to appease the group... long story short, it was this Political Spirit behind the persecutions.

There's much more spoken about this spirit and how it works, the scriptures included, etc. in the video. She has Faisel Malick as a guest and the discussion is interesting & eye opening. If you haven't already watched it perhaps you should. I think it may help interpret parts of your dream and the Lord may be giving you specific instruction as what spirit to pray against on Patricia's behalf.

The Link: ... tv_now.htm

just a suggestion :D

edit note: I wanted to say I'm not attempting to change or alter the interps you have received to date on your dream. I just found the similarities between PK's vision and your dream so striking. Perhaps the spiritual warfare insight in the video will help these 'unknowns' you spoke of understand what has been or is opposing them on their pathways to His destiny/callings for them?

Blessings on you in Jesus Name,


Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:44 am
by mightyrhema
connie wrote:HI mighty rhema,

The Lord bless you.

I happened upon a video on the Extreme Prophetic website, titled (2008 Program 10) The Political Spirit & as I watched, your dream came to mind.. Patricia King mentioned a vision she had in 2002 of a very well dressed man who pulled a gun out and pointed it at her.. she knew the 'man' was actually a demon spirit. Shortly after, she came under heavy persecution from (the 'church') and for 3 years she did everything she could to work with the people through whom this spirit was operating but was unable to appease the group... long story short, it was this Political Spirit behind the persecutions.

There's much more spoken about this spirit and how it works, the scriptures included, etc. in the video. She has Faisel Malick as a guest and the discussion is interesting & eye opening. If you haven't already watched it perhaps you should. I think it may help interpret parts of your dream and the Lord may be giving you specific instruction as what spirit to pray against on Patricia's behalf.

The Link: ... tv_now.htm

just a suggestion :D

edit note: I wanted to say I'm not attempting to change or alter the interps you have received to date on your dream. I just found the similarities between PK's vision and your dream so striking. Perhaps the spiritual warfare insight in the video will help these 'unknowns' you spoke of understand what has been or is opposing them on their pathways to His destiny/callings for them?

Blessings on you in Jesus Name,

TY connie! =] sorry for the delay. i totally see what you're saying here. i haven't watched this yet, but i wanted you to know that ever since i had this dream, regardless of what conclusion i came to - i definitely felt impressed upon to pray for patricia & XP in general. she's no stranger to persecution, so even now, it's just important to lift them up - so you confirmed that.

thank you for replying & may god bless you abundantly this year!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:28 am
by Blessings
I was reading all the comments and I wondered if there may be a more literal meaning to this dream as well. You may not being hearing all the stories about what is happening in the world today. Governments and people in power like to pretend they are not true. However in the State of Orissa, India,at least nine Christians were killed for their faith in the last few weeks and probably around 50 churches burned since Christmas. What always give me hope in this is the word "Unless a seed falls and dies..."

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:46 pm
by talitha
Me too, Blessings - my dear friend Denise who was a prophet died at a young age of around 50 - she was our church's youth pastor, and we have seen much fruit in the kids' lives.....

wow, 50 since Christmas..... has there been unrest in India after the happenings in Pakistan, or is it not effected?


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:47 am
by Blessings
The unrest in India is long standing. It has nothing to do with Pakistan. However conversion is a hot topic. In recent months there has been lawgainst conversion, supposedly of any kind but in reality it is into anything that is not Hinduism.