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ants building nest in my hair

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:30 pm
by ONEBody
Here the dream:

Seems like something is chewing my hair off. Check with my hand, find lots of ants, seems they are trying to built a nest. Get immediately ride of the ants. See some other ants and vacuum them all up.
See that the one frame of the window I am standing at is chewed through the middle (vertical part). Also see that someone had set a tree log along the frame in order to hold up the window frame.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:24 am
by eagleswings
Hi ONEBody,
Sounds like an attack on your thought life. Getting rid of the ants represents spiritual warfare against the attack. The vacuum is symbolic of the cleansing work of the Holy Spirit in getting rid of the debris (the source of the attack). What you have been taking in through your eye-gate seems to have served as an entrance to the attack on your thought life. Sometimes seemingly harmless things can have devastating effects.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:34 am
by ONEBody
Hi eagleswings
Looking now back (dream was posted at the beginning of Nov.) I believe you are right about the attack on my thought life. I am not sure that it came in through my eye-gates, however what does make sense to me in connection with my eye-gates is that it has really tried to affected my eye gates (spiritual eye-gates).
The tree log to me could speak of the cross and that Jesus and the power of the cross would help me through.
Thank you for your thoughts. I really needed a reminder of this dream today, awesome timing.