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AIG (spoken word heard) and crashing glass window

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:27 pm
by Humblesteps
Hello everyone,

I woke up this morning between 6:45 - 6:50am. I am putting this out for help in what this may mean.
I am standing watching in this huge room. The walls were a light beige yellowish color. I see many men behind a glass window from where I am standing in the right hand corner. The men are all wearing black business suits plus a very small few that were causally dress with white shirts on. I hear the words"It's AIG" or "AIG". I see people moving around behind the glass wall or window walking upset. On my side some person, I think a man goes towards the huge glass window and throws a rock and the whole glass starts crashing down. I then saw people running and grabbing from stacks of paper bill money. I felt the people were in an uproar angry and I saw many hands grabbing their money (dollars) in an anxious way and I awake. I felt for some reason people were not trusting of those people and common people (non- businesss) and that's why the window was broken causing it to crash down. Is the AIG that bank of all that Chaos in the news what is it exactly? and is this something more coming, that's what I thought..trouble. I was awaken the night before to pray for a few things our economy was one but it was a brief short prayer for that one between 3am and later don't remember exactly. Thanks for your time. God bless!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:27 pm
by Charys
This kind of dream upsets me when I have them too because I don't know if this is a prediction of what's about to happen or a warning of something I need to pray about so it doesn't. I don't know. If the dream doesn't spell out a course of action, to me, it usually means I need to pray. Sometimes it means that if/when I see these things actually happen that God has it in hand and has known about it all along, and that is why He lets you know ahead of time -because He wants you to know that He's in control and not to panic.

The beige yellowish walls sound like off-white to me. Something is off, not pure.
AIG probably represents a system that is tainted and when the glass is broken the whole system becomes vulnerable. (Hmm the phrase "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" comes to mind. I wonder if the system is exposed or attacked by others who have the very same compromises in their lives?)

As I understand it the banking system is based on confidence. When people lose confidence and start withdrawing their money en masse the whole thing falls apart. I've heard some Christian prophetic-type people warning believers not to panic, that God is in control and will set up His own better system.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to keep praying about the economic system world-wide.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:14 pm
by naveah
AIG is the company that has my retirement and parts of the 401K for my retirement. I will surely be praying, I have been praying about this for the last 2 weeks wondering what to do with it.

I thank you and be blessed

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:08 pm
by zadokpriest
Wow humblesteps I do not have an interp but I did wanted to say, "I LOVE YOUR NAME!"


Be Blessed!


AIG (spoken word heard) and crashing glass window

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:16 pm
by Humblesteps
Charys, Neveah and Zadokpriest,

Thank you all for exchanging thoughts concerning my dream last night.

Charys: Your quote was quite unexpected, as I never heard of it before but thought it was striking, but not sure what it means could you explain futher? Thank you kindly.

Neveah: I was so moved by your reply, I will definately pray more over this and may Gods covering be over your invested earnings in Jesus name as well as all others. My goodness, I just stood there so calm watching but was concern upon awaking, I think it is to pray over, I agree with Charys.

Zadokpriest: Thank you kindly.

Yes, I think many Should "pray" in Jesus name.

God Bless you all.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:05 am
by Charys
Humblesteps, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is very much like Jesus' statement to the men who wanted to stone the woman taken in adultery (and I have always wondered where the man was). He said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." It means that it is unwise to attack another person when one has the same vulnerabilities, or faults -or outright sins -in one's own life. Doing so invites retaliation or an attack on oneself. It is also a bit like the Biblical statement "Judge not that you be not judged."

AIG (spoken word heard) and crashing glass window

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:53 am
by Humblesteps

Thanks so much for explaining that, so I would understand that they are both judging eachother and both fallen into sin regarding the system. I have to remember that fraze, the scripture really helped. I also remember that the words "AIG or It's AIG" was the only words I heard right from the start and the only other sound was the glass wall/window coming down crashing loud and me thinking they were those wall street people now that I remember they are worried. I pray in Jesus name that all will be well for everyone and will continue to pray over these matters like others. I was wondering if this had any connection to my other post "Two cites and a Dark Cloud" it has the same type of theme but moving forward now thanks again. God is Good...All the time!

Be bless!!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:41 pm
by Charys
glass wall =Wall street
I get it! Wall street is really very fragile, isn't it?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:13 am
by Jewels-inhisheart
Could this be about the AIG corperate giant we are hearing so much about?