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Vivid Neon Colors

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:29 pm
by naveah
My husband had this dream:

He was @ work,( He does construction). He was working on what he thought might be an xray room. There was a stretcher( gerney) with no one on it. As he was looking around the room, he saw these rectangular shaped windows in vivid colors each with a clear bubble inside them, Inside the bubble was syringe, flashlight, stethoscope, bedpans, surgical pans, each rectangular had a different instrument and a very vivid neon color . He also said there were some bubles without anything in them.He said he had never seen color like this: purples, oranges, reds, pinks. He said the rectangles where swirling around the room . He woke up but he didn't want to open his eyes because he didn't want it to stop. He said he still saw the rectangles, when he was awake so he opened his eyes and when he shut his eyes again they started again.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:13 am
by cbass
hey there! I'll tell what I think:
your husband was at work in a place of healing. there was no one on the gerney because you cant be sick in the presence of the healer. Mabey these tools floating in the windows around the room were representative of the people, words, instruments (tools) God uses to heal us. In my experience whenever I see bright beautiful vivid colors in my dreams it is heavenly, which would make sence since Jesus is our healer.
has your husband been seeking any sort of healing? Or might he be praying for a healing for someone else? hmm,,, just a thought.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:11 pm
by Joy2dream
Ok, I love this dream! You pray about the interp, ok.
He was @ work,( He does construction). He was working on what he thought might be an xray room. There was a stretcher( gerney) with no one on it. As he was looking around the room, he saw these rectangular shaped windows in vivid colors each with a clear bubble inside them, Inside the bubble was syringe, flashlight, stethoscope, bedpans, surgical pans, each rectangular had a different instrument and a very vivid neon color . He also said there were some bubles without anything in them.He said he had never seen color like this: purples, oranges, reds, pinks. He said the rectangles where swirling around the room . He woke up but he didn't want to open his eyes because he didn't want it to stop. He said he still saw the rectangles, when he was awake so he opened his eyes and when he shut his eyes again they started again.
I believe this dream is the Lord showing your husband a vision (windows) of healing angels (bubbles) coming forth. Some of the angels already are prepared with the instruments (power needed) of healing (the bubbles with health care instruments) and some angels seem to have no instruments because the Lord is going to allow your husband to speak and ask for what is needed from them.

Praise Jesus!