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My contact lenses were the size of saucers!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:02 am
by kse
I have been thinking about this all week. In the dream I was about to attend a wedding with lots of other people, family and friends. We were all staying together in several homes and carpooling. I got the call it was time to get in the station wagon to go to the wedding but I hadn't applied my make-up yet and I was bothered by this. I got in anyway.

Before going to the ceremony there was time. I looked around and found a ziploc baggie filled with expensive make-up. It belonged to my sis in laws. I grabbed a dark blue eyeliner and heavily lined my lids (which I would never do in reality). The eyeliner was labeled "Badgley Mischka" like the desiger. I put on other make-up and I looked better but I still had on no foundation. I convinced someone to rush me back to get it and they did. I applied it and felt much better about myself.

Also I was not wearing contact lenses, and although I could see clearly without them I wanted to get them on. But when I took them out of the case they were giant. There was no way they could fit in my eyes, although I tried and failed. Again, I could see just fine without them so I left them behind. Any insights?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:38 am
by Yolanda
This may be a bit far fetched - if so, please toss!

You were attending a wedding with many family and friends - could this represent a time of fellowship with other member of the Body of Christ, or better yet, preparation for His return?

You had not applied your makeup and you were bothered by that (I would have been too, lol)... maybe representing that you do not feel properly prepared for the event that is coming? That you do not feel you "look" the part, so to speak? Makeup, esp. foundation, is an enhancer and can be used to "conceal" some of the "flaws" that we think we have... (just a thought)...

You wanted to put on your contacts even though you did not need them... hmmm... could this be that you think you need assistance in seeing things yet you are more than able to clearly see what is before you? (of course I do not mean without God's asistance, lol) Is there someone/something that you tend to rely upon to help clarify things, instead of relying upon your own spiritual insight?

Praying you come into the full revelation of the meaning of this dream!!! Shalom!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:22 am
by kse
Yolanda, you gave me something to think about as far as the contact lenses. Nothing comes to mind in that regard but it started the juices flowing, thank you! I was wondering a lot about the blue eyeliner--can the color blue have to do with revelation? I was thinking of it as possibly being my eyesight in the spiritual "defined". And the "foundation" being the Word of God. Your post has been a help, thank you again.

God bless your day!!!