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Sensitive topic

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:11 pm
by cbass
This is a bit of an odd dream but the subject is reoccuring and I want to know why.
I have had many dreams about lesbians,, and how they want to be near me and with me....I am not gay,, I am engaged to a wonderful man. I use to work at starbucks and some of my co-workers were lesbians and one of them flirted with me alot so I thought mabey that is why I dreamt about them.
Well I have not worked at starbucks in about a year now and again last night I dream of lesbians.
In this dream I observed a lesbian couple, then one of the woman just dropped her girlfriend to try and get with me. She followed me everywhere, she was very clingy and always around. We became close and my affections for her began to grow. When I realized what was happening I completly avoided her. I did everything to hide from her. Then she found me and confronted me, I told her,, I love my fiance and want to be with him only. Then she said to me "So does this mean I dont get to be around you guys(meaning me and my fiance) anymore?" Then the dream ended.
This dream took place in my church As I was thinking about the dream this morning I realized this woman just wanted to be around the anointing that surrounds my fiance and I. Thats it.
Its just so strange to me that I keep dreaming of lesbians,,,, whats your thoughts?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:40 pm
by Charys
Could this be about learning to have healthy boundaries? Are you sacrificing more of yourself for others than you feel you can afford?
The lesbian friend may just represent a person or persons who insinuate their way into time you need to spend with God, time with your fiance or just time by yourself.

I have had lesbian friends and had to learn early to say, "I love you as a friend, but this far and no further." Surprisingly, I found that I actually needed to say that to a number of people who have wanted to ride my coat tails. My son woke me up one day when he said, "Mom, you don't have friends. You have a caseload."

Just you have the gift of mercy?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:01 am
by keilani
Take this into prayer--

at my old workplace, my closest friends were lesbians and or those who practiced witchcraft (may sound weird--there were churchgoers but the religious sort who don't really know Him).

Anyway, I would have similar dreams while working there. It kind of reminds me of spiritual residue... Now that I've been gone, i would also have dreams of that sort and I would always know when they were planning to come visit.

Sometimes the spirits attached to people in those lifestyles are strong and you can pick that up. Keep firm in the Word and stay close to Him. He will teach you what you have to do.

God puts stronger, knowledgeable (meaning knowing Him and His ways) mature Believers in places like that so that you can pray on their behalf. But if you are not guarding yourself carefully, their words and ungodliness will begin to affect/infect you. Go into prayer and get filled up! Holy Spirit is an awesome teacher!

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:31 am
by cbass
hmmm thanks guys,,, i will take these to the Lord.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:39 pm
by Vica Specialist
To piggyback off an earlier statement, I heard of a similiar circumstance in which a minister worked at the YMCA. One late nite after work he was watching tv when he felt a weird type lust rising up in his heart and he enquired the LORD where it came from. The LORD then replied to him that his job was a breeding ground from gays and one of those spirits was unconsciously trying to attach itself to him. The process of affiliation is very important to what we spiritually pick maybe this dream is just GOD trying to show u to be careful of your affililiation as well.