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Dancing and snoring in class

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:00 am
by Meekone
I have been dreaming alot about dancing lately, a very wieghtless acrobatic dance but this one dream I recently had was in a classroom with some other secular adults I know.
I went to the front of the class to do a presentation on How wonderful it is to have a suportive lead in a dance.
Refering to my husband who was at the back of the room, I began to dance toward him but every time I breathed in, a loud rumbling snore came out and the room snickered and my husband looked at me funny but I was really in the moment and having a wonderfull lyrical type of dance and trying to ignore my noises.

I have woke myself up before and actually be mid loud

I have never been able to dance this beautifully in real life, even as a child in ballet.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:56 pm
by keilani
Your dancing reminds me of one who is graceful....

My thoughts are you are demonstrating grace (ie dancing) even in your human-ness (the snoring) and you've got the attention of those around you who do not yet know Him (secular adults in the room).

oh and yah, i've woke myself up snoring too cuz i was wondering who the heck was snoring so loudly :lol: gotta love those nights!

Be blessed!

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:15 pm
by Meekone
LOL.........I'm so glad I'm not the only one :lol:
Thank you for the encouragement.
God Bless you and have a wonderfull Christmas!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:42 pm
by Truth Seeker
God Bless You MeekOne,

I believe God is calling certain people to dance not before people but before Him.
Several other people have posted dreams of dancing including my self. I'm a man and you usually don't see a lot of men dancing but God has been trying to pull something out of me through dancing. I've had dreams of me dancing with the dance ministry at my church and dancing in an acrobatic kind of way where I was doing this dance in acrobatic form so high and with so much technique it was unbelievable.

I beleive people that God has called to dance before Him are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to receive words of knowledge, revelation and those type of spiritual encounters.

I also beleive that those that are called to dance before the Lord are being used as a vessel to past it down to the next generation.

Thanks for sharing this with us because I need to take dancing before the Lord more serious then I've been taken it. I've found as a man that it's so peaceful and relaxing to dance to Lord when I'm by my self because I'm so free and I don't have to worry about messing up just dancing.

Oh Yeh, my wife and I go back and forth about who snores the most and the loudest. Between you and me, she has me beat in both areas. :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:49 pm
by Meekone
Thats what I think he is trying to say these days too.
to a higher form of worship even into flight
Thank you

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:12 pm
by Truth Seeker
Dance on MeekOne,

Receive everything God has for you.

All jokes aside about snoring. Snoring usually takes place when there's not enough air getting through. When I think of air I think of God breathing on us (Holy Spirit).

I believe dancing will clear the patheth way for the Holy Spirit in the dancers life and the spiritual snoring will stop. And the people watching will be amazed and believe and more will be added to the church.