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Dream of Barak Obama & Pastors

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:44 pm
by zadokpriest
Short dream

President Elect Obama was at a small round kitchen table with about two to three Pastors and they ALL were saying we need Revelation....

End of Dram


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:15 pm
by talitha
round table - equal footing.....

I would say that this shows Obama's position as a shepherd, and probably would take it as a direction for prayer for him, that this kind of humility would characterize his presidency and that he would seek revelation from Yahweh.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:30 pm
by zadokpriest
Thanks Tal - that is what I was hoping.

The other day I read how he had invited Rick Warren to pray/speak at the innaguration - and how the homosexual community where OUTRAGED to say the least.

Yet his comment really blessed me in that he said we may NOT all share the same believes but we are ALL under/in the same country - I am paraphrasing.

I believe PRAYER will be the key to Presiden-Elect Obama's heart being change - I see a man looking or at least hoping to unitify this country as best as HE knows how - and seeing that he is only a man - it would be wise that we continue to pray for him.

Thank you Tal for sharing - this has blessed me and encouraged my heart as I was praying for him this morning.

Zadok :D

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:33 pm
by zadokpriest
OOO - Tal I just remember Kim's prophesy in how the next president will be a Man of God - who will seek God for direction, hmm - it is possible that President-Elect Obama is that man as God says "The Kings Heart is in HIS HANDS" and "HE God turns it where He desires...."

Wow - I will continue to pray...

Zadok :D