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In the name of Jesus

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:29 am
by souledonHim
I was standing in a room beside a person that I seemed to know but don't recall who it was upon awakening. In the dream a wife was pushing her husband in a wheelchair and he had cancer. I feel a power come over me and then shout to him "In the name of Jesus" they turn and look at me and angrily start on there way. I then holler again "In the name of Jesus". They look at me like I am a lunatic or something. The man is now laying down and again I say "In the name of Jesus, arise."
The man then jumps to his feet and is healed.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:13 pm
by WaitingforHim
I was seeing this dream as a calling dream. Seeing that the Lord has called you to pray for the sick and they will recover. Also seeing that you aren't to worry about their faces or what they will think. Which can hinder us at times from giving the word..we tend to worry about things like "what if they aren't healed?, or what if they think I am crazy?" So I was seeing that the Lord was showing you to pursue this calling and gift of healing and leave the rest to HIM!

Hope this helps.
Love you lots.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:55 pm
by souledonHim
wfh, thanks this does make sense. The Lord has been using me a lot for prayers and some times it just seems like why would he use me. Their are others who pray all the time and constantly read the bible and it would seem like the Lord would use them. I have been noticing people alot who are sick. The look in their eyes is so desperate and I can see thier cry for help. I am worthy and the Lord can use me. Thank you so much I thought this dream was so simple, to just pray for the guy.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:59 pm
by WaitingforHim
It is simple but profound! Yes! Pray for the guy! But continue to pray for all the ones He brings before you! Believing that through HIM they will be healed! Why not you? Someone has to go!
I love you!

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:12 pm
by souledonHim
WFH, I asked myself after reading your post "why not me". What I felt and heard my spirit say was "useless". Even though I feel that way I do pray alot for people. I know that prayers help and when I see the outcome of some of my prayers I think that was coincidence and then another part of my believes that is was my prayers.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:22 pm
by WaitingforHim
Hahahah...Now I see why the Lord wants to use you! You know exactly where all things come from and you refuse to take the glory! You realize that you are nothing without HIM! And guess what? HE loves to use people like you! In your eyes its foolish..but in HIS eyes He uses the foolish to confound the wise! Don't you just love the Lord! Since you know you can't start looking at how HE CAN! And just love HIM for doing what He does! He is a good God and He died for us! And HE said that greater works we would do because HE goes to the Father. That is great!!!! So even though we realize we are useless we understand that HE is ALL POWERFUL and that with HIM ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

I just want to wrap my arms around you and squeeze! You are most beautiful to HIM! And I sense the Love that He has for you!! BEyond measure! Get lost in HIM and know that as you reach out to these people you are just obeying HIM and you are being HIS hands to these people...Imagine what HE would want to do if He were walking the Earth! Go and do what He does! Be free!

I love you

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:56 pm
by Renewed
The Lord also could be letting you know that there will be those who are in need of healing yet their faith is not strong, they believe but they need help in their unbelief.

here is where you come in and be persistant with them to help build them up in their most holy faith.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:30 pm
by souledonHim
Thanks all, I believe that praying helps more than anything. Even though we do not see the outcome at times but I know that one day the Lord will show us all and tell us all "good and faithful servant".