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Spider-webs over the house.........

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:32 pm
by beloved
A minister at my church called me and said she'd dreamed that in a dream it was 4 people sitting on a bed, but I was the only recognized and herself. Yet, in the dream she said dirty water came up and out of it a demon came and she put the WORD OF God, on it and it disappeared. But in the house where we were sitting on the bed, the house was covered with spider webs.
And I was clearly seen in this dream, she stated you couldn't see
how the webs was formed all over the house. It disturbs me because there is a lot of things going on at our church such as:
Divisions, discord, dissensions, etc. Leadership has favoritism and
unless you are accepted you don't have the liberty to use your gifts. There once was adultery and the pastor's wife is insecure so
women are abused because it makes her feel better. Please help me. We all know we're there for a little while. Thank you, please ASAP, I need help.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:24 pm
by charlie
Wow...are you sure you need to be there for a little while? :shock:
Sounds like a lot of bad stuff going on there.

The dream of your minister speaks of webs of deceit and foul play... this seems to be born out by what you share is happening...

welcome to the board...lots of good advice and support to be had here friend...
