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had to climb a tile wall for my job

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:17 pm
by t_vest
Inr I felt compelled to voulenteer myself for several kaizans that will
be happening. This is defiently not what I like to do. (kaizan is a Japaneese word in general it means to take your job do changes and make it quicker, easier, and cheaper to do. You do this with small changes. )

Last night i had this dream.

My superviser calls me into his office and says I am to be on a
Kaizan. He said the guy that was over it was done with it ,but
I needed to help (WHAT???)
I walk over to the room and it was in the middle of maybe a field.
inr it is a room for meeting called the cit room. and it is up about
two stories of steps.

Insead of the steps they had tiled the whole building in white
tile with blue in places. (kind of reminded me of a tallit).
there were places build into the wall that were recessed like a ladder. It was not bad climbing up there until the very end.
at the top the steps ended and there was a space about maybe
3 to 4 feet of smooth tile. there was an edge but I was scared to
push hard because we were very high.

The man I was supposed to help kept telling me it was okay and
to just push myself up. I remember other people did not seem to
have too much difficulty. A co worker was kind of laughing a joking
with me while I was trying to get up. I was scared. (inr she has left our company but she is such a sweet person , always laughing)

The man picked me up by my arms and lifted me over the wall. I am
not a small person by anymeans but he did that like I weighed nothing. I thanked him and he said I would be climbing it in no time.
We went looking at everything he had done. I thought it was wonderful except for climbing the wall, he took it well.
I saw people eating and a woman who always wore dresses that
has retired was there , I asked her how she got up and she said
she climbed. IN a dress??? she smiled

The man showed me the way out , through a basement, it was kind of like a parking garage it was also made of concrete, but it had tons of furniture in it. mostly couchs. I told him steps??? Why did you put steps in only going down, next time I will use this way to get up. He just laughed But deep in my heart I knew that would not work, I had to climb the front of the building.

I was back at the wall and I looked down, the ground was only
a couple of inches from the wall, but then at the same time it
was so far away. I wanted to jump off but I felt I could get hurt
but then again I knew I would have been okay. I thought they
need to put up a sign so nobody would step off and break a leg.

Thank you for your patience I know it is kind of long. Thanks tv