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Holy house?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:14 pm
by Meekone
Yesterday I had a dream that my house was made of barn board and you could see outside because the boards were so widely spaced, even the roof.
My floor was all gravel and the sun was shining through the walls and roof.
I was sitting in a small hole in the ground and I had a small baby girl with me that I was playing with, about one year old.
beside the hole was a white sheep and a little lamb snuggling.
A big black tirantula kept comming neer me and my only weapon was a spoon so I seperated its abdomen from the rest of its body with the spoon and it took a long time to die.
The front half of the body still kept comming for me untill it shrunk and died.
Then there were faster hairy spiders comming in from the outside through the openings in the wall and that was when my husband came and stomped on all of them.
Some friends came over to see our house and I was embarassed because of how impractale it was but they didn't seem to care.
The sheep, the lamb and the sun was the only sourse of warmth.

I can't imagine why I would dream that.
let me know what you think.