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Uncertainty? Going on vacation

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:05 pm
by WaitingforHim
I am in my car with my husband and we are getting ready to leave on vacation somewhere south and in the mountains. We don't really have a destination but know we are going in that direction.

We stop at the school to sign our kids out. As I am walking toward the office to sign them out I am worried because they have missed a few days already and I am hoping the school doesn't get upset with me for taking them out again.

As I enter into the office there is an old teacher that was in the school when I used be in school. Her name is Mrs. Parker. She seems really nice to me and I sign them out and we are leaving.
But the whole time I am concerned that I am going to get in trouble.

Then we stop at a drug store named "Rite Aid" and we are there to pick up some pictures of my daughter. They offer us more pictures for a price of $29.95 and we agree to buy those too. Then we are looking for dog treats for our dogs. The clerk points us to some in another aisle.

My hubby is getting aggervated because we are late getting started and he doesn't feel well. He has a cold or something. He said that he didn't want to be driving in the dark through the mountains.

We are leaving as I awaken.