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Repost:old dream-Babies with Pink Pullups

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:20 am
by dance-in-the-son
When I read another dream on the board with the name Michael in it, it reminded me of this dream. Could you look at this again and see if there are any other insights to help with this dream. Everytime I hear the name Michael it reminds me of this dream and I do beleive it is regarding the archangel. Please help...

Michael = "who is like God"
1) one of, the chief, or the first archangel who is described as the one who stands in time of conflict for the children of Israel

Isreal is not on my heart/no burdens for them...I want God's heart for Isreal though...could this have something to do with the dream?

Dream from 7/16/08

Dream #2: I was in a living room and it appeared to be dimly lit. There were babies playing around and a few adults on the couch, one being a leader in our church. I was sitting on one of those little riding toys and I was helping some of the babies to use the potty. There were two little potties in plastic bags in this hallway and I got one of them out and helped this baby take her pull up off and she sat on the potty to pee, I was telling her how good she was and she had her hands in it as it was streaming out and was about to put her hand in her mouth. I said no, you don’t do that, it is nasty. She smiled and then I asked someone to give me a baby wipe and I wiped her hand with it. I put her “pink” pull up back on her and she went back to playing. I was uncovered and was feeling the need to put a pull up on myself but I didn’t want anyone to see me, especially because I was uncovered. While I was sitting on this riding toy on the floor in the hallway trying to put on a pull up, a leader of the church was talking to me so I had to go back into the living room uncovered (the riding toy was concealing me). Then he said this to me, “I saw that you were invited to Michael’s party and you were the only girl there.” The other guy said, yeah, because he likes her and she acts like a rich little goody girl not paying him any mind (not sure of the exact words he said, I am just giving the best description) Michael liked me but I didn’t like him in that way. The end.

Jude 1:23:
23 Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others,[a] but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.
