A need for the Youth

Archives for 2009
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A need for the Youth

Post by Humblesteps »

Greetings to All,

Last night I was in prayer about many things and a 18 month old who is undergoing surgery born with three kidneys for her safety for these two days; however, I had a friend of my daughter come by prior and we were discussing many subjects on spiritual gifts and experiences. Then in the evening I drifted into sleep after praying and dreamed this:

I am in a room thats fairly large it is a classroom church enviornment. I see youths walking around in this bright room. I seem to have a conversation already going on when I hear a word. Now I woke up last night and thought I should write it down, well I "thought" I would remember and did not. However, a person I was talking to in the dream said to me, "There is a need for teaching the Youth" and I awake. I also remember a second dream and hear and repeat in the dream the word "Sadamjour" and awake again puzzled. I was watching the TV on the news and I heard them mention a judge lady with that same name/pronounciation and it appeared to move me and I wondered what would the dreams mean are they connected? Any thoughts? Thanks for any response.

God bless!