Learning Prayer and Intercession

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Learning Prayer and Intercession

Post by bjcollin »

I had this dream last night 8/20/09

Elie and Noah and I are visiting a large church. The church is huge and there are people everywhere in different bleacher styled sections and they are full of people almost hanging off the rafters it seems. We are seated at the left end of a section that is toward the front left of the auditorium. The service is starting and the pastor is a tall slender woman dressed in red. She has an air of wisdom and authority about her. Everybody seems to like her teaching and so do we it seems.

The topic she is speaking on is the topic of prayer and intercession. I dont' seem in the dream to remember what exactly she is saying about the topic. She is giving a story or example and she starts talking about this one boy who has a "worm" for a leg and how he needs healing. A little later on, Noah and I start to head for the restroom in the back area behind the section we are sittnig in, when I see this young boy coming out of the restroom with a "worm" leg as he is missing a foot and there is only a rounded withering stump for a leg that looks like a worm and he is missing an arm that is withered as well. I look at him and then ask if I can pray for him, he agrees. I lay my hands on his shoulders and start to pray for him, and then this other kid goes crazy and takes a hold of his leg and starts to pull and screams worm come off! I stop the other kid, then I go back to laying my hands on and praying for the kid with the messed up leg and arm again. I start praying ... "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I ask for healing and restoration in this leg and arm"... As I am praying for the boy the Holy Spirit starts to move and I feel the power as I am praying. All of a sudden I hear this loud pop noise like an explosion had gone off between us and I feel this explosion force pushing me backwards through the air. I black out.

After that I wake up on the floor flat on my back looking up and the first thing I see is the kid I was praying for and the female pastor who are standing over me and looking back down at me. The kid is happy and he looks like he received the healing, but I am not sure. The female pastor then tells me in an authoritative voice "follow me" to which I reply "yes mamm" and I get up and I start following her. I can see the rest of the crowd in the church and their mouths are gaping open and they are watching me follow her out the rear doors of the church. I was thinking to myself oooh I am in trouble now. I follow her through a few hallways, then we enter what looks to be a library area of the church. Instead of one big open library, it is sectioned off into many different rooms and some of the rooms are on different levels. Instead of stairs there are ramps everywhere to go up and down between the different levels. I can see that some of the rooms have one or a few people studying, some of the rooms have small classes of children or small groups of adults having a class or studying in them. The pastor leads me up a ramp to this one higher room and then we have to even climb a ladder up to get into this one little private room. As we are passing the librarian up the ramp, she tells me that this is a private room that used to belong to "?" and I don't remember what name she told me.

The female pastor again told me "follow me" and she headed up the ladder into darkess. I again told her "Yes mamm" and I followed her up the ladder through a tight tunnel into a little room that was on the top of the building. It was a small room with barely enough room for the two of us, everything was made out of a dark colored older wood that seemed ancient. There was a small window there which looked out across the top of the roof and I could see a river near by the church but that was all, it seemed the small window was the only source of light in the small room. After we sat down, the female pastor handed me a small red book and she told me that the book had belonged to the previous owner of the room. Again I didn't remember the previous owners name. She then told me that the book was about prayer and intercession and that she was giving it to me and that I should read it and study it.

I proceeded to look at the small red book on the outside and then I opened it up on the inside. All of the first chapters were well read and they were even missing many words and there was this one page that had part of it cut out and another page that had too many markings in pen on the page that I could not read the words. I was starting to think that I would not be able to read anything in this book as it was too old and very worn out due to some possible misuse. The second half of the book was outlines and studies that I could read. There were many Biblical verse references in the book. I thanked her for the book and the dream ended.

Any help appreciated. Thank you.

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Post by bjcollin »

oops forgot a part....

When the female pastor is first speaking... she asks a question on if anybody knows what Ada is. I and one other person are the only ones who raise our hands. She calls on the other guy first who gives some answer that she is not totally satisfied with. Then she calls on me and I answer that Ada is a computer language for embedded software engineering by the Department of Defense. She seems to like that answer and asks me how I know that. I tell her that I program in Ada and that for my job I program avionics equipment for the military. She seems impressed and then she goes on with another part of her talk. Then comes the part about going to the restrooms with Noah. Thankyou.

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Post by shesthedreamer »

Do you really know what Ada is or just in your dreams. Do you know that the name Ada means noble. Sounds like God wants you to study prayer and interceding for others.
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Post by keilani »

Kathryn Khulman.

That is the name I thought of when you described the woman...have you heard of her? I'm sure you have.

I love how He instructs us through dreams. I believe she has written books but don't know for sure. Your description fits her and her name stayed with me. I feel like this is preparation for the healing ministry He has called you to. The library, going higher up to learn and "embedding" software. Okay, I do not know much about computers but since you couldn't "read" the book because of the writings, wondering if He is going to "download" (is embed the same thing?) these things into your spirit as you're learning/doing whatever He is directing you to learn/do or even attempt to read. Supernatural revelation is what I'm trying to say--we can read something but when He embeds His revelation about something in our spirit man, it takes on a whole new meaning and enables us to minister effectively with understanding and power.

Hope it helps!
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Post by discerning »

Kathryn Khulman.
This was my immediate/intense impression...very early in the dream. Her heart's desire was never to grieve Holy Spirit.

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Post by HisBlood »


Did you trust this tall woman, in red? What was your sense of her?

Are healing and intercession things in your heart?

Blessings and Love,
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Post by Jen »

I was impressed upon reading this dream immediately that it was our Carolyn.. Hisblood. I can see the Kathyrn Kuhlman coming up.. b/c Carolyn.. I believe, walks in a similar annointing.

I know I have learned sooo much from her in the years I have known her.

I think this was a really encouraging dream from Abba Father..
from what it looks like.. He is wanting to take you to heights.. soaring above.. no big surprise.. cause your heart is for Him..

Anyway those are just some thoughts that immediately came to my mind.. as always.. don't take my word for it.
but much shalom to you tonight BJ!!
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Post by bjcollin »

Thank you guys for all the responses to this dream! I had totally forgotten about it until I was searching for a few old dreams from last year for reflection purposes.

YES I do feel the call to prayer and to intercession and to healing ministry as well. I really don't know much about Kathyrn Kuhlman at all. From a little internet reading I know that she had a well respected healing ministry back in the 1970's and that she was a predecessor to some of our modern healing ministries that I know of like BH. I got the first impression in the dream that the woman was "wisdom" as in the spirit of wisdom. I was excited and respected her and liked her in the dream. Thank you again for the responses.

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Post by imavessel »


A story: a long time ago I used to see these . . . the "Intercessors". Me, never having been accustomed, found it fascinating but also a bit odd.

One lady in particular--- she just would sob, seemingly uncontrollably. & When she took things before the Lord- she took them with everything in her----

I remember looking at her and thinking---to God ---- "Wow, that's awesome Lord---- and good for her . . . but that's not me".

Seems we ought to be careful the way we think at God---- He seems to have a pretty strong sense of humor-----

Over the years- I kept getting that kind of thing- people even calling me by that name. I pushed the thought away for a long time.

But over time my own prayer life had grown---- mostly through just praying in tongues---- things rarely plotted out or thought of. No lists for the most part . . .

Yet people still said it, among other things- like my worship and my writing of books . . . ----- but even when traveling an hour or more away---- meeting various people----- "intercession", "prophetic intercession" . . . . brought up by friends and strangers . . .

At least a couple times I wondered or kinda laughed with my friend how I could never figure out why people always thought that, . . . that they would be amazed if they knew exactly how little I actually prayed, or maybe how little I prayed for "specific needs".

But then again I don't know. Truthfully most of the time I do pray- I pray in tonges- because I know that otherwise my mindsets my wants my desires my . . . whatever can cloud it all. ------ Says that we do not know what we should pray but the Spirit does.

So I have NO IDEA what He has had me pray about sometimes.

But a couple years ago I had been beside myself. I prayed a lot and my heart was just heavy--- this went on for some time. Just vexxed by a situation I was in that made no sense and I could not understand ----& had no clue what to do.

After awhile of contending and praying- (not a day---weeks or maybe months)

He gave me a God dream.
& In it I saw a room, mostly wood-
Almost a stage or lifted up part---
With a throne----- which the back sorta look like picket fence-
to my left (the throne's right)
I saw what looked like a lampstand or something. It was the heighth of a standing ashtray but was anitque looking and golden.
Sitting atop of a golden bowl---wtih a lid and fancy thing on the lid that you could pick it up from
I know think of how the aroma of the prayers of the saints reach His nostrils-


& Lately- I have wanted to expand this portion- or--- rather since I am thinking of it--- I feel maybe He is wanting me to expand this portion . . .

Do I still meet with a friend & pray-
& Still pray on my own
But I have asked my son (IT guy) if maybe he can help me make a website-----just for prayer purposes & maybe to show links to other sites-

He's apparently pretty busy though at the moment. But- this is in my heart to do.
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Post by imavessel »

Felt like I had to corret something in case anyone gets mental pictures-

In the dream- the golden bowl with lid was on top of the golden lampstand-type thing, not the other way round . . .

Probably not important but just realized my description was off.