Floating Picture Frame

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Floating Picture Frame

Post by desertrose »

Here is a weird one but I am sure it is from the Lord.

I was in my bed - but it was set against the opposite wall than it really is. The whole room was the opposite way around.

I am not sure whether I kept waking up or whether I was trying to get to sleep - I remember being very tired. A picture frame flew gently from the floor to the bedside dresser next to my bedhead.

I remember being very scared and thinking it was something demonic moving it. I placed it back where it came from and when I was back in bed nearly asleep or (asleep and waking) - and it flew again to my bedside cabinet - facing picture side in towards the cabinet.

I do indeed have a framed painting resting against the bedside cabinet on the other side (real side) of the room. This picture seemed to be the same but taller for some reason . I remember feeling very frightened and praying - commanding the evil spirit to leave the room. There was some sense of confusion whether it was indeed an evil spirit or whether it was a warning from God.

The frame was a golden tan sort of a colour and the painting seemed to be the usual flower arrangement in pink mauve purple tones.

Does anyone have any leading on this?
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Post by Robert159347 »

Lol, this actually happened to me in real life. One of the members in my family was about to do something G-d didn't like. So G-d stopped him by knocking two picture frames down in the room. We checked, there was no reason they should have fell, and the nails were still in the wall. I think G-d is trying to get your attention. Since your room was opposite of what it should be ,maybe G-d is saying that about you. I can't say for sure ,since I don't know you ,but you should check yourself ,and check what you are doing. Also, the reason I think it flew gently down ,because I think G-d is going to warn you gently first; just a thought. Again I could be wrong since, I don't know you. Let me know what you think.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20
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Post by desertrose »

LOL...thanks for the response....I certainly will have a think about what you said.

I was wondering if it was God warning me about a car I nearly purchased...I had seen a vehicle that day and was almost set to purchase it. Then that night as I went to bed my spirit was stirred up - the car was just what I wanted and the right price but I began to sense something was wrong mechanically with it. That was later confirmed on Sunday by another dealer. Maybe the taller picture in my dream was like a counterfiet the enemy was trying to bring my way instead of the car God will provide?? Dunno... but I will certainly give your answer some thought!

Thanks! :D
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Post by o2grace »

I don't know...but I would probably move the picture lol :lol: