My friend and I are on a boat (I think a submarine)

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My friend and I are on a boat (I think a submarine)

Post by ReBorn »

My husband and I were at some type of water park. the park had merchants throughout the park selling clothes, food, etc..
There was one boat ride that we had decided to go on.
My friend Amy showed up riding on a cart (or a metal walker-type thing) to get on this water craft with us.

My husband picked her up out of her walker thingy to help her on the boat and she unzipped her blouse waayyy down where it was very low cut and almost exposed herself.

We all went on this ride together. The waves were very high and the watercraft was definately rocking to and fro. I think it may have been some type of submarine because there was a cover all the way around the boat.

When the ride was over and we got off, Amy got back onto her cart/walker-thing. She decided to go back to her room she had rented at the waterpark to change clothes. But my husband said she would have to walk on her own because he said he needed to return her walker back in to the place she rented it from.

Amy then began walking through the park looking for a place to change her clothes. For some reason she had taken her shirt completely off and was just walking through the park holding one of her clothing items against her chest.

She went in and out of clothing stores at the park but I don't think she bought anything new. I told her to slow down, let's ask them if they have a dressing room but she kept walking out of the store and back out onto the street.

Then we came to a set of rooms and I thought one of these rooms was mine. I told her she could go into my room to change and I remember looking for the room key to let her in when I woke up.

When I woke up, I remember thinking "Why was my husband flirting with Amy that much? And why was Amy flirting with my husband?" I think my husband was Jesus but not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :wink:
Background for dream:
Earlier during the week the Lord told me to pray for my friend Amy & another woman at my church who has a crooked neck.

(IRL Amy has cerebral palsy. left arm is much smaller than her right arm and she walks w/a very noticable limp. (I think she must have the same problem with her legs as the problem with her arm)
Anyways, we teach the Pre-K kids together at our church, during Sunday school time. Lately seems she's been irritable and short with me and she also doesn't look very happy. I think she may even be in pain-physically because of the cerebral palsy.)

I did pray about the two women and on Friday Aug. 21st, I had a dream about Amy.
Last edited by ReBorn on Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Robert159347 »

What color and kind of clothes was she going to put on?
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I don't exactly remember what color the shirt is, but I do specifically remember a very shiny silver zipper that she pulled down. I think the shirt was just a short sleeve cotton shirt with a big silver zipper in front.

I don't think this dream is about sex though. I believe it has something to do with her making herself vulnerable.

anyone have any ideas???

I would love to see her completely healed.
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Anyone :?:
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Post by ReBorn »

Please????? If anyone could help. I'm really stumped. :?
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Post by Robert159347 »

I think it does mean that your husband is Jesus. She unzipped her blouse way down, because she is going to expose herself to Jesus and maybe you, but not completely. Then, you and her are going to be taken for a water ride: which means she is probably going to be struggling with the word of G-d. After that she will completely strip herself bare before Jesus, but she won't be completely bare, but she will carry salvation with her (the white t-shirt). Jesus told her to walk the rest of the way, meaning that she is going to have to do it on her own (put on salvation on her own). The shirt with the silver zipper is that she is going to clothe herself in righteousness and be sealed or zipped up with the blood of Christ. Silver represents blood and white righteousness or purity. She went into different stores because, she is going to go to look at different religions, but she won't buy anything from them. In the end you will help her in getting saved. Let me know what you think.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20
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Post by ReBorn »

Hi Robert159347.
Thanks for the interp.

I think she is already saved though (but not sure).
the white t-shirt

I don't remember what color the shirt was though.

When you say she will look into different religions, do you think she will be leaving our church to do so?

Also, I don't know if it makes any difference, but I know she was adopted as a child and she is originally Korean (but grew up in the US with an American family)

What do you think about the boat thing with the cover? Do you think this boat could represent Noah's ark? That just came to me.

Anyway, thanks for your help. I'm really thrilled that you're on the board now!

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Post by Robert159347 »

Sounds like she might, but she won't "buy" into anything being said. I don't know if it has something to do with Noah's ark; It could if you want to say that maybe you and her are going to be going through a rough time, but you will come out fine. If the dream is talking about the future it means she has salvation, but she didn't put it on. She knows how to get saved (she was carrying it around), but to put it on she will actually have to get saved, as she was looking to "change". She will be or has been changed because of you. I don't know if this is a future dream, since I don't know you or this woman, and what's going on, but it does sound like it to me like it is future.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20
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Post by ReBorn »

Bumping again because several things have come to pass with my friend Amy (and I'm still looking for meaning to this dream)

Please if anyone can help me out with another interp or opinion that would be great!

Amy and I are now in an 8 week bible study program together and I'm really concerned about her overall well-being.

Thanks to everyone!
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sorry but i will have to bump this old dream again because my husband is going to

sleep at the church tonight with a bunch of men in the same room.

as it turns out, Amy will be sleeping in the same room with my husband and several other men (i think 13 men)

anyway, all of these men are homeless and my husband said he might tell Amy she should go back home because

"You never know how long it's been since any of these men have been with a woman"

I have been praying for her safety but i'm also wondering why would her husband, allow her to sleep down there overnight knowing she would be the only woman?

i didn't think anything about it until today when my husband made that statement about the men not being with any women!

This dream and these circumstances seem strange to me. i don't understand the meaning------Yet.

His word was in my heart like a fire,
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This dream still bothers me to this very day and I am sorry but I will have to bump it one more time.

Last Wednesday the look on her face was one of complete exhaustion. I am praying for her and I don't exactly know what to pray.

I think this has to do with her own husband- Dare I say this out loud but I suspect her husband is taking advantage of her and not covering her in prayer.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Reborn, I believe the overall message based on the action of your friend is that your friend is wants to open up; however, she is guarding her heart. I noticed several times, that she is exposing herself in some fashion, yet she has her chest area covered. Chest can be a symbol for the heart.
The action of flirting makes me think that she has been flirting with the idea of opening up. You stated that she is Korean American. Although she may have grown up American, she may have held a part of her traditional Korean culture. In Korean culture, it is a stigma to open yourself up and I am basing off not only what I have seen in the news but what I was taught in school and living in Korea. So this may be a factor for your consideration.
Not the boat spoke to me as being a covering, your church; however, it will be a bumpy and tumultuous ride. What I gather from the walker is that this symbolizes that she is depending on a crutch in her walk; something that she has depended on to get her by.
I viewed your husband taking it back to the rental place as the Lord saying that it is time for her to be a big girl and use her feet to do her walking.
So I view the overall message as being your friend is not fully giving her heart to the Lord. Although she needs healing, she may not be walking fully in faith.
I viewed you as being a symbol for being a helper. The last scene spoke to me that you hold the "key" in this and from what I have read, you are using that key, which is keeping her uplifted in prayer.
As usual toss if this miss the mark.
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Post by ReBorn »

Thanks for your offering. I am still trying to piece everything together and I appreciate every piece to this puzzle.

I've had her in my heart and on my mind for years, not to mention all the dreams I keep having about her! :shock:

I really want her to be healed completely, not just her physical infirmities but any emotional wounds, etc....

I do know that she was not able to have children and is now in the process of trying to adopt children and/or become a foster mother to many children,

that makes me tired thinking about it because it seems such a struggle for her to get around as it is, without the added responsibility of chasing after kids all day long :?


Thanks again beloved :)
His word was in my heart like a fire,
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Reborn, based off what you have shared, what I am gathering is this perhaps she may not be giving her all or not completely trusting in the Lord is because she are not able to have children. Perhaps she may be angry with Him or harbor some resentment in regards to not having children. As I am typing, a thought just came to me; perhaps this may be the crutch. What I mean by this is that I have come across many women who were unable to have children and some viewed themselves as being less of a woman because of this.
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women who were unable to have children and some viewed themselves as being less of a woman because of this.

will be praying for her.....
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd