Horses On the Bow of A Sailing Ship

Archives for 2007

Horses On the Bow of A Sailing Ship

Post by GloryWithin »

In my dream, the horses in a certain country were dying because it was so hot and dry. I did not see this I just knew it was happening, or I may have forgotten details of that part of the dream. I'm not sure what country, but I got the impression it was the country where I was born, Panama, but it was not clear. I had already sent my horse to a cooler climate.

Some people who were trying to save their horses set out to sea or a sea channel with thier horses. I saw two horses tied on the front of a sailing ship facing forward. One was a beautiful black horse, the other was another color like bay or sorrel. The idea was that the sea spray and wind coming over the bow of the ship as it cut through the choppy waters would refresh the horses. The horse's nostrils were blowing hard and it was obvious that they had been destressed. It seemed good to me that the water was spraying on them. The End!

Post by talitha »

Glory, it's very interesting to know that you are from Panama! :) I knew that you were a lover of horses, and, well, little by little we discover more about the people on here, & I love it.....

Since this dream seems to be very large-scaled, I think the message of it is equally large-scaled, and it leaves me wondering.... because the Lord generally gives us dreams that have to do with our sphere of spiritual influence.....

At any rate, here's what is occuring to me.....

In my dream, the horses in a certain country were dying because it was so hot and dry. I think the horses represent the spirits of people, and they are suffering in the hot and dry weather. The hot and dry weather - drout - seems to me to represent a time of harsh trial, a withholding of blessings from Heaven (rain) for whatever reason..... I did not see this I just knew it was happening, or I may have forgotten details of that part of the dream. I'm not sure what country, but I got the impression it was the country where I was born, Panama, but it was not clear. This shows that what is happening concerns you directly, I think. Maybe this has to do with a location, or a specific church/ministry or denomination? I had already sent my horse to a cooler climate. You are getting what you need from the Lord in a different setting, it seems.

Some people who were trying to save their horses set out to sea or a sea channel with thier horses. The sea channel makes me think of a TV channel, something to do with Christian media? I saw two horses tied on the front of a sailing ship facing forward. One was a beautiful black horse, the other was another color like bay or sorrel. The idea was that the sea spray and wind coming over the bow of the ship as it cut through the choppy waters would refresh the horses. A small spray of refreshment.... something to help you hang on.... This kind of reminds me of the young couple on the Titanic in the movie - "I'm the king of the world!" Watching the movie I had mixed feelings watching that, because of course I knew the ship would be going down...... hmmmm..... The horse's nostrils were blowing hard and it was obvious that they had been destressed. It seemed good to me that the water was spraying on them. The End!

Possible interpretation: Your church or denomination, or the church in your region, possiby, is going through a time of spiritual drout. People are going to have to take unusual measures to survive it.....

This dream seems to me like a dream for intercession, possibly something that you should bring up in a group......

The scripture comes to mind that says that without vision, the people perish........


Post by GloryWithin »


A lot of this is very accurate. In shipping there are channels-the Panama Canal has channels, then there is the English Channel. My impression was that the ship was in a Shipping Channel even though I saw no markers. I have been surviving on God T.V. for spiritual food, and having little meaninful fellowship. I have been considering a move to a different state because there are really no lack of spiritual debth in my area. I have no say in the matter at my church except by prayer, as you pointed out.

Also, Just before this dream I became very passionate about the plight of the wild horse in America. The Government is doing away with them in favor of big rancher's money and raising cattle on public lands. I was not sure if this dream could have anything to do with that? What do horses symbolize anyway? What would the old fashioned sailing ship mean?

Thank you for that great effort! :)

God BLess!

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Post by TamaraLynne »

oooooooh I so love horses to......

sometimes I think of horses as those who will carry angels or messengers to different locations....possible being messengers themselves........the work of evengelism .

2ti 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

2ti 4:6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

2ti 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

2ti 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

the last verse I tend to think about how not only how God lives in us but how he falls upon us during worship.....his presence felt so strongly......I have been thinking alot on how I love feeling his appearing or presence.....also I thought oh my but what if I'm an apostle? how can I do the work of an evangelist? :wink: makes me think of five fold and the building up of the saints.

Was it sea water that sprayed in their face?

I'm not sure about this part of your dream....because we know salt water during a drought does nothing but I looked up these verses on salt

Eze 16:4 And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not SALTED at all, nor swaddled at all.

Mt 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be SALTED? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

Mr 9:49 For every one shall be SALTED with fire, and every sacrifice shall be SALTED with salt.

I noticed these horse were bound.....and I know horses sometimes have meaning according to their color.....

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Post by TamaraLynne »

one other verse that kept going through my mind is this one

Pr 5:15 Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.


Post by Joy2dream »


In my dream, the horses in a certain country were dying because it was so hot and dry. Seeing the horses as people in powerful places, people that are being called of God for certain places for His work. They are hot and dry because they are seeking the teachings of the Holy Spirit.

I did not see this I just knew it was happening, or I may have forgotten details of that part of the dream. I'm not sure what country, but I got the impression it was the country where I was born, Panama, but it was not clear. I had already sent my horse to a cooler climate. I know you IRL probably sent your horse to cooler temperature but in this dream the horse could represent you and you feeding yourself.

Some people who were trying to save their horses set out to sea or a sea channel with thier horses. Seeing this part in two ways like Tal said it may be people turning to the television as in "see chanels" or it may mean that they are moving to other ministries to see if they can get comfort there. I saw two horses tied on the front of a sailing ship facing forward. One was a beautiful black horse, the other was another color like bay or sorrel. Crazy, I know but this part seems to me as the preachers that are promoting the cruises. People that go will of course get the spray of the Spirit while they are on the boat, but are they going to have to get off of it sooner or later. The idea was that the sea spray and wind coming over the bow of the ship as it cut through the choppy waters would refresh the horses. Times of refreshing, how many times have we heard that lately? The horse's nostrils were blowing hard and it was obvious that they had been destressed. It seemed good to me that the water was spraying on them. It is good to get on the boat especially if you've been in distress. But what happen when you have to leave the boat? The End!

Note: I see horses used in different ways in the Bible. They are used for war, as possession for trade, as indicators of wealth eg: such and such had 300 horses, as messengers as in Revelation,
all of these seem to point to one thing I think is an overall symbol of horses and that is power. So in this dream I am seeing the horses as people of power that are getting dry and thirsty and drying and/or dying out for lack of the deep things of the Word.
We are hungry horses and will travel and go and watch to get our daily Bread.

What to do with the dream, interceed and pray for Godly men and women to raise up and teach the horses who desire. The Lord may even be calling some of us to rise to such an occasion.

Bless ya,


(you know what to do if this doesn't witness to you)

Post by GloryWithin »

Regarding the comments of the salt, Auh, I am not altogether sure the water was salt water. Channels have deep water thougth, I know deep waters meens something.

Sailing vessels are driven by the wind, and guided by a rudder. I see no correlation between a sailing ship and a cruise ship! :lol: Sorry. :? :wink:

John Paul Jackson said somehting about what horse's mean, but I cant remember. I need a book of symbols!

Tune in for the next dream about horses! :wink:


Post by Joy2dream »


GloryWithin wrote:Sailing vessels are driven by the wind, and guided by a rudder. I see no correlation between a sailing ship and a cruise ship! :lol: Sorry. :? :wink:
My bad, please forgive me. I read it as a ship sailing, not a ship with sails :oops:

GloryWithin wrote:John Paul Jackson said somehting about what horse's mean, but I cant remember. I need a book of symbols!
Perhaps I can make up for my mistake with this:

From John Paul Jackson's Dream Card
Horses: power, authority


Bless you,