I keep dreaming that I killed someone!

Archives for 2009
From Glory to Glory
Bronze Member
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I keep dreaming that I killed someone!

Post by From Glory to Glory »

Hi everyone,

I have had several recurring dreams over the past few years where I have either killed someone, or been involved in some way in the killing of someone. When I have killed someone, it is always in the past...like I forgot that I had killed someone and buried them in the backyard. One time I dreamt that I woke up with a woman on top of me trying to strangle me, so I killed her and buried her within my bed (I believe it was a waterbed, which I used to have). Last night, I dreamt that I was not the killer, but I had withheld the information of who was the killer from the police. Always in these dreams, I am extremely remorseful and am terrified that I am going to be arrested and will lose my freedom, family, etc. It's also weird how it's always that I had forgotten that these things had taken place, and I was trying to remember in my dream if I had really, in fact, done such a thing.

Any thoughts?

Thanks so much!

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Post by imavessel »

Did you or do you have a strong dislike, negative "judgement" of, or agreement of not caring for someone------a woman-----that perhaps someone in your life also has disliked- spoken badly of? Held a grudge against etc?

That probably would have been at least started before---------

That no longer has really been of anything now in your life?

Could be you are being reminded so you can ask God forgiveness---

Cause He says our hatred of someone is like murder...

You had "buried it:----------------forgotten basically--------or put it out of your sight.

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Post by shesthedreamer »

I totally agree with imavessel. Words are what created this world and there is the power of life and death in the tongue. Proverbs 18:21 NIV
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

What we speak allows God or the devil to do what was spoken.
Even if we speak what we think is harmless words even jokingly like "I hate you". Ask God to show you who these people are that have been spoken about. He is faithful to show you. These words spoken in Love in Christ.
Collosians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
From Glory to Glory
Bronze Member
Posts: 42
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:55 am

Post by From Glory to Glory »


Thanks for writing! No, to my knowledge, I am not harboring any hatred or grudges against anyone. Also, only 1 time has it been a woman...usually it's a man. Strange dreams, huh?

Thanks so much!
