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CourtRoom- Chief Justice- Airport

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:11 pm
by ReBorn

We're going to an airport, I have some high-heeled shoes but I do not want to put them on, but I think I have to put them on anyway, I have to do this in a hurry because the plane is going to take off any minute. At the airport I wave goodbye.

Scene changes to a courtroom:

The chief justice tells every judge to switch courts, everyone gasps for air and people began standing up and moving around.

My judge is no longer my judge- there is a new judge in the courtroom I'm in. I can't even find my old judge anymore.

Any ideas?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:45 pm
by ReBorn
I think I know what this dream means now- just wondering if Holy Spirit can confirm.

Thanks in advance-

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:19 pm
by ditte3
The verse from John8,10.
"Woman where are those,your accusers?"

I think the dream is about the rapture and the judgement.I will pray about it,if it is true.God bless you.

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:31 pm
by ReBorn
AAHHH! Great point ditte3! Just makes my understanding of this dream even DEEEPER!

Thanks so much. Blessings to you for that!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:50 am
by ReBorn
I just saw a really great article on elijahlist that may relate to my dream if anyone's interested. The article is:
John Belt:
"Living in the Good Report:
God is Good!"

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:15 am
by ditte3
Great writing.Our sins are forgiven in Christ. If we sin sometimes (because our flesh sometimes does something else than what god says),we have the right to come in the presence of our Father. If we confess our sins,he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.The diabolos (the devil) cannot accuse us.Our lives are hidden together with Christ in God.We are God's righteousness in Christ.Hallelujah.
God bless you.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:57 pm
by WaitingforHim
I was seeing this as more personal for you.
Toss whatever doesn't witness with you ok!
We're going to an airport, I have some high-heeled shoes but I do not want to put them on, but I think I have to put them on anyway, I have to do this in a hurry because the plane is going to take off any minute. At the airport I wave goodbye.
Airport may be a place of transition that you are in. A place of waiting on the Lord for what He desires of you. Seeing that He has already given you the "higher heels"..meaning that he has already equipped you to walk in this higher calling. Seeing that you may feel a little uncomfortable walking in it though..because of possibly lack of experience or use. Seeing the Lord as showing you that you are about to take off in your destiny or ministry and He is encouraging you to go ahead walk in what He has given to you. Time is short...the sons and daughters must begin to walk in who they are!
The chief justice tells every judge to switch courts, everyone gasps for air and people began standing up and moving around.

My judge is no longer my judge- there is a new judge in the courtroom I'm in. I can't even find my old judge anymore.
The chief justice is the Lord of Hosts. The other judges are the earthly judges that he has appointed. There is a shift coming to the body of Christ. Everyone is feeling this beginning to happen. God is moving some out of position and others into position.

The Lord is saying to you that you are no longer under the judgement of man. But HE is your judge. If you ever held back because of fear of man, this is a confirmation to you that you shouldn't. The old judge is gone. The Lord is doing a shift in the body and calling many that have held out because they were under the hand of judgemental leadership, into a different place. He is their God and they are His people. Its a new day!

Thinking this is for the corporate body, but inparticularly for you too.
Love you,
Hope this witnesses.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:28 pm
by ReBorn
Thank you waiting,

I believe you are "right on" with your interp.

It's exactly what I sense in my spirit and heart.

I believe He is showing me that He knows I'm nervous about stepping up into this higher walk (I'm inexperienced and sorta' afraid I won't be able to walk in that higher calling)- (i.e.-the high healed shoes)

I'm praying He will hold my hand through it and stay with me during the transition.

I forgot to mention that my new judge was wearing a green shirt. I don't remember what green means, but I think it may symbolize life.

You're such a blessing waitingforhim.

Thank you for sharing your gift with me. I am a blessed woman to have found Tehillah ministry!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:06 pm
by ReBorn
I haven't thought about this dream in a long time and yesterday morning for the last two hours of my sleep I was replaying this dream in my sleep!

It was as if I was dreaming about the dream again!

What could that mean?