We all died

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We all died

Post by EDDY & TINA »

This a friends dream

"I had a dream about this my trip ... in the dream something went wrong on the plane and we all died... and then after that dream i also dreamt i saw my friend who has passed away... am i thinking too much..?" i will pray about it but what do u think?
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Post by Missyjojo88 »

I have a few questions for you.

The trip that you are going to in your dream is it for ministry work or for vacation?

Was your friend a Christian or not?

The key thing in your dream is seen your dead friend. Most of the time seen a dead person is of the enemy unless in the context of the dream it represents something to do with the past, generational, or spiritual similarities. Since its a friend you saw, it would not have anything to do with generational blessing or curse. From the context of the dream thus far, I would lean towards this dream being from the enemy who may be trying to hinder you or prevent you from doing the mission of God by placing fear of traveling. This is why I asked you these two questions. When you anwer them it will help understand the source of the dream.
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Post by EDDY & TINA »

Yes it was for vacation, and a she's a Christian but not really strong in the faith, also a young adult.
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Post by Missyjojo88 »

Okay, I still feel that this dream is not from God and that you need not to worry after praying against the plan of the enemy. This is why I believe this:

There have been situations where God does show someone they are about to die. He usually does not tell them the specific so that they will not be too worry. Again when God tells people this, they don't have a fearful spirit about it because these people know 100% that its God telling them this. Yes, there was this one King who beg God to add to his years, and God granted him that which means its possible for God to add years to ones life after receiving such revelation from him. At the same time its not something God does often in reveal to his people they will die in a specific way unless he is warning them about it.

Paul who was going to die from his particular trip, went anyways despite the prophetic words for him. Before these people prophecy to him, he already felt that he wasn't coming back, but he knew he had to finish God's work. I think many Christians may get the feeling that their time is up, but they will not know when or how, but rather soon. For most part if God is telling someone to organize their homes because they are about to die, its because this person is saved in the first place. Someone who gets this revelation from God will have a chance to not only get their homes in order, but to also gets spiritual life in order. There would not be any fear when receiving this type of revelation

When God does show someone a dream about death in a specific situation, it is a warning dream. In this case, God is warning you so that you would not for instance get on the plane. If God doesn't want you to get on that plane, he would reveal to you a specific that will help you to avoid this situation such as a flight number or something that would make you know that the dream revealed this paticular situation. Also if its something that is very important, God will reveal it to you more than once. Again for most part God will not tell anyone how they will die, unless its a unique situation or he is warning them.

With something that is this important, your dream doesn't have the details or fingerprints of God in it. If you are shown specific about a coming danger, God will usually show you what to do. Like in the dream, you would know that you should not go on this paticular trip. It would be something you would be sure about. The then that makes me for suspicious about this dream is your dead friend at the end does not fit into any context that she would symbolize something other than death. A dream warning you about in pending death from God will have no need to show someone who you are not 100% sure is saved in it. If anything a person who gets a dream from God like this, would may be dream of seen heaven and their love ones there. Even in this paticuar dream, it doesn't automatically mean that this dream means that they are about to die.

I had heard of people talk about a dream that they had where they saw someone they has past away appear to them which makes them think they will soon die, but it turns out to not be so because it was of the enemy. I have a grandma who is in a hopsital bed suffering from Dementia/ Alzheimers. People would have dreams that her husband/my grandpa who died long ago came to get her or take her, but she is still alive. I also realize that this was a dream from the enemy because the dead cannot come back for the living. Either Jesus or his angels come for his servants or demons or the devil comes for their own. There wont be any dead person coming to get anyone unless it was demon in disguise and the person was unsaved to begin with.

My advice is to pray about this to God. If he reveals more to you than it is most likely a warning that can be prevented, but doubt this dream is of him. But still bring it up to God just in case although I don't see any good fruit in it.