Attack at Rick Joyner's church

Archives for 2009
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Post by godseeker »

i'm so touched and about to cry,.i can't call everyone's name out,.but i am so appreciative of the gifts and maturity that are in the body and that i am a part of this kingdom with brothers and sisters all over the place that can help me,.there was not one post that i was not able to glean from,.and i have learned many things,.i thank God that i had the dream and posted it,.just to hear the wisdom from everyone is almost more important than the interp,.but i thank everyone,.i am taking it ALLLLL in to consideration,.dance in the son,.you are right,.this is the second dream that i have had about his church,.but i did not feel to happy about this one upon waking,.but i will not say it against him personally,.but like many have said,.it may be the evil that will try to attach itself to something that is very well from God,.but first i am seriously gonna pray about whether i should go or not,.thanks everyone
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

I beleive this can be for any church or event...the enemy could appoint people to mix in with any event and we just have to be more aware in the spirit and be vigilant in prayer and humilty before God, waiting for His leading...of course, this should not give you fear...however, if the Lord specifically tells you not to go than of course don't. Be led forth by ya!
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Post by godseeker »

i am really sensing that i should not go,.i love going to this church,.so hopefully,.i will be able to attend another conference there soon
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Post by GaAngel »

Oooooo, Godseeker

The Holy Spirit is giving you a warning.

I'd say this dream represents your church and not the one of the other pastor you mentioned.

Anything that's referenced as a circus is not a good sign. A circus means anything that's filled with drama, chaos and confusion, all of which are not of God.

If someone's "act" is to basically make a "snake" do tricks, I'd be very careful. A snake is a symbol of the kingdom of darkness and God's enemy. This is something that doesn't belong in a Church of God.

If someone is very friendly to the snake, and making it heed to their commands, I'd say that someone might be involved with the "dark arts" like a priestess or so. If they're not directly involved with these forces, they're "dancing" with them by doing the work of darkness.

Many people fail to realize that stirring up strife, harmful gossip, or doing anything that can bring harm to someone's marriage, family, job, reputation, etc. is still the same as witchcraft. You might not be mixing potions, or going to see Madame So-n-so to get a spell put on someone, but these vile acts cause harm or loss to someone in "natural" ways. Spreading lies about someone, making someone lose their job, splitting up someone's marriage, for example, all have the same effect as witchcraft--or worse; these things can cause someone to feel deep levels of emotional pain, they bring lose of peace and cause stress (that can lead to illness and/or substance abuse), lose of income, lose of family, grief ( through divorce), financial lose and emotional damage to children (through divorce), cause humiliation (gossip), plus many, many more evils.

The snake danced to hymns. This tells me that evil and the forces of darkness have penetrated this church. By the gestures of the pastor's wife, I'd say they know about it and are not doing anything to stop it.

It seems as though you tried to fight the forces of darkness in the church. You thought others would come to our side, but they didn't; they seem fine with things the way they are. Many of them might be partakers of the forces of darkness (snake dancing to music).

If the forces are that deep in that place, you might want to find another place to worship. I've gone through something similar in the past. I thought the "strange" things that started happening to me were from the enemy to stop me from going to church (e.g.., one time the last 3 digits of my odometer read 666. Right before church, the lights and radio came on, but the car wouldn't start. Plus other things over time.)

By staying put, you won't grow spiritually because your focus will be on fighting darkness and not learning and growing in God. Plus, the people you want to help, don't want your help, so they're not growing either. It's really a lose-lose situation.

In the dream you left. Remember, just because a place calls itself a church, doesn't mean it's of God.
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Post by GaAngel »

One more thing, Godseeker...

It seems like you yearn, hunger and thirst for God. That's good. However, be very careful when attending large conferences, especially when anyone from anywhere can attend. Sure, you might say that's the purpose of the conference is to attract diverse people. True, but...

I'll tell my story so that it might help you or someone else.

A few years ago I attended a conference here in town for a well-known pastor. It was at the Phillips' Arena (Atlanta) and was standing room only...the fire marshal made "extras" wait in hallways with monitors. The rest watched on monitors from outside of the arena. Now, this place sits over 50,000+.

Long story short, we were well into the service. One of the speakers prayed a powerful healing prayer, and I was about to "connect" to the Holy Spirit via this prayer; I needed healing back them. Do you know that each time I was about to make the "connection," someone somewhere behind me in the auditorium started speaking in tongues just long enough to break that connection. It happened a few times, so I knew something wasn't of God.

Spiritual warfare was at work. Either the speaker wasn't of God, or the person speaking in tongues wasn't of God. If the speaker wasn't of God, then the person speaking in tongues stopped me from making an unGodly connection via prayer language. If the person speaking in tongues wasn't of God, then that person stopped me from receiving healing. But, if something was powerful enough to stop the annointing of God from flowing in that place, then I question whether or not that ministry is truly annointed by God. Either case is a red flag for me.

Also, spirits can transfer in "the heat of the moment" in churches. When you're about to make your "connection" to the Holy Spirit, your spiritual channels are open. You're vulnerable at this point. If you accept the forces of darkness into your heart, they can enter at this time and you might not be aware of the entry. You might think what's happening to you is of the Holy Spirit, but it isn't. Always pray before attending this type of event. Again, just because an event says it's of God doesn't mean that it will be 100 % of God.

Just be cautious when attending large events. You don't know what could be lurking there.